Milwaukee Hosts 110th HD Anniversary

The 110th Harley-Davidson Anniversary Party! Did you attend?


Think about it riders! How many American companies can say they have survived for over 100 years?

According to Yale University Professor, Richard Foster, in his article, “How to stay in business for 100 years”,  the average lifespan of S&P 500 Index companies has decreased by more than 50 years in the past century, from 67 years in the 1920s to only 15 years today.

Staying alive as an ongoing, profit-making entity, providing good jobs and contributing to society is no picnic today given the weak economic environment, a nasty political bureaucracy and unforgiving customer expectations. Cudos HD, cudos indeed for navigating this roller coaster ride over the decades and “making it”.


The AMF Era…wow, those were difficult days even for the most loyal of customers.

Many companies have experienced near death experiences and have lived to fill out another accounting spreadsheet. We motorcycle enthusiasts have all read (even experienced) Harley’s near demise back in the late 1970s/early 1980s when AMF’s (American Machine and Foundry) ownership led to problems with labor unrest and amazingly poor-quality. Not to mention the serious competition from Honda, Yamaha and other Japanese motorcycle manufacturers that hit the street at that time.

The company has come a long way from those awful AMF era days but, can Harley-Davidson survive another 110 years? Only time will tell of course but, the makings of truly long term greatness for both shareholders and customers are within reach I believe.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Business is tough. It’s tougher if you make and sell motorcycles.  

The recession/depression-like economy of the past five years has killed many a family budget. Even for those who can afford it, the uncertainties of sustaining future cash flows has caused everyone to rethink big expenditures like $20,000+ motorcycles. Yet, we bikers ride on. We save and we sacrifice for our bikes…sometimes it takes years of saving but we eventually will buy our Harley.

Note the Pennzoil oil drip pan and tank —–}


This loyalty to the brand is like no other and bodes well for the future of the Motor Company in my opinion…especially if HD can lure a large segment of patriotic young Americans/Canadians/Indian/Asian/European and South Americans.  The Hispanic-American and African-American customer pool is huge and a key segment of these good folks, dream of owning a motorcycle someday. Might as well be an authentic, Harley-Davidson bike.


Harley-Davidson Motor Company…an amazing story.

Click here for a summary of Harley’s past. Go ahead and educate yourself before heading out to Milwaukee. The team at put together an excellent chronological picture of the Harley-Davison. story. See their webpage for key dates in the making of this great company.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

              Great looker. The 2013 Harley-Davidson CVO Breakout Model.


Now for the BIG BASH news. Here’s what you need to know.

Three days of events both big and small were planned to excite all who attend. Rock and roll acts daily. Factory tours, museum tours, demo rides, beer, bars and babes…you name it and the Motor Company likely thought about it and the great city of Milwaukee is ready to entertain you. Click here for all the details.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

                  Source: Harley-Davidson 110th Anniversary Website

So, will Harley-Davidson survive another 110 years?

My answer is yes…as long as they don’t ever forget who their customers are and why these customers must own Harley-Davidson products.

Plus the company must, I mean it is a ‘must do”…  

1. Continue to be innovative about every facet of Harley’s social experience.

2. Reinvent continuously. New products, services and experiences matter.  

3. Train local dealerships to be exceptional providers of that “Harley experience” and, 

4. Think long term…

By long term I mean, the Motor Company must achieve a healthy balance between quarterly financials demanded of Wall Street investment pros and creating multi-generational lifestyles that champion the American Way of freedom as it is viewed from the seat of a motorcycle.

In conclusion, we Harley-Davidson men and women are a very, very, very loyal bunch. Remember, we actually love our machines. It’s a lifestyle. Harleys are who we are. There’s no posing here…we live the unique brand that is Harley-Davidson.

Me, for one, I have total confidence that the Motor Company will continue to thrive and take care of its loyal customers for many decades to come. Happy Anniversary Harley-Davidson.

Ride Safe Out There Everybody.


        Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle. 

Motorcycle Marc’s Adventures are sponsored by INSURYU.COM.


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