Hey, got to give credit where credit is due…the Yamaha VMax is one hell of a motorbike. Here’s an update on my MadMaxVMax.

Before the Ape Hanger Bars…My MadMax VMaxBobberLo Project…lowered 2″ with Progressive springs and shocks. New Delkevic Mufflers and Pipes…great sound! Added 14 inch forward brake and gear change controls. Cut off front fender for a clean bobber look. Added engine T-Boost with switch…opens at 3,000 rpm, 6,000 rpm or you can keep it turned off…Added custom LED taillight. New Dunlop fatties front and rear.

Added 12 inch Ape Hangers for additional bobber-style coolness. (El Diablo Brand Bars) Click image to view additional details on eBay…
Here’s what I’ve done to this cool ride…
Superb condition, runs smooth, looks great, handles great, full of power with the classic and famous 1200cc VMax motor. Maintained perfectly, upgraded where needed and comes with top-grade accessories. Shines like new.
Introduced in 1985, I’ve wanted to own this first generation muscle-bobber for years. The VMAX became a “cult bike” right from the start and I joined that cult.

A real creative muscle bike original…my buddy’s OEM 1985 Yamaha VMax. Click image to review one of the first media articles on this amazing bike. #TopSpeedReview
The Second Generation VMAX…introduced in 2010…BIG MadMax-style of a bike.

The 2016 Yamaha VMax included major upgrades and improvements…making it even more kick-ass powerful. FYI – the VMax bikes are not for amateur riders. These bikes are serious muscle bikes. Read up on this ride from #TopSpeedReview. PhotoSource: YamahaMotorcycles
The Bottom Line.
My 2007 Yamaha VMax bike has been a labor of love…a dream bike for me. The first generation VMax from 1985 to 2009 was a true rider’s ride. A motorcyclist’s dream of a powerhouse with a 1200cc motor kicking out some 130+ horsepower. I hope you too can enjoy this motorcycle as much as I have had...#RideSafeOutThere.Â

Motorcycle Marc’s 2007 Custom Yamaha VMax…a 1200cc powerhouse of a cool bobber-style ride. Click image to see more info on eBay…it’s for sale for only $5,000 U.S.
Ride Safe Out There
About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a motoblogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer, ambassador and sponsor. I prefer to ride motorcycles but when I can’t ride I blog about it. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of thousands of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)
Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Some of the material for this blog was gathered from numerous articles and websites available in the public domain. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites, Links and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer and/or Organizations represented. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.
SOLD…To another motorcycle nut like me…October 27, 2018. – MJB
Hi Marc, I was hoping you could help me with a few details. Love the Vmax which I’m guessing you’ve now sold. Could you tell me the size of the Dunlop tyres you fitted and also, were the El Diablo apes 7/8” (22mm) or the 1” bars. I can’t find the 7/8” bars here in the uk.
Many thanks,
Interesting look for a VMAX. I love it but don’t have the money for toys anymore. The wife says we got to save for retirement. Sure do love what you’ve done with your VMAX though
Love the Vmax. Owned a 97 for 10 years then got too sick to ride so had to sell it. Fantastic motorbike I must say.