Ross “Kiwi” Tomas (20) Rides To Heaven. Motorcycle Funeral Plans & Memorial.

Death sucks! There I said it…and I mean it. I cannot think of anything worse than the sudden death of a child. It’s just not the natural order of things

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Jeff Senour’s Freedom Rock Experience – Where young people become Rock Stars!

Motorcycle enthusiast, airline captain and world-class musician Jeff Senour, is on a mission. I want to tell you about it… but first, let’s get perspective on the challenges facing America’s

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Life’s too short…not to live “your” life!

  Have you ever taken a moment to watch how people float through their lives? Wondering, pondering and dreaming about who they really are or what they really should be

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HER Deal: Honor. Encourage. Recognize.

The HER Project…saluting women in the military. Did you know that there are over 200,000 women serving throughout America’s military complex? Yes, near 15% of the U.S.’s 1.4 million soldiers

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D-Day – Crusade for Freedom.

  June 6, 1944 – Normandy, France: Five years into the hell of World War II. Around 6:00 am. Imagine for a moment that you are between 18 and 25

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Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit…invitation!

Women Motorcycle Riders…there’s a very special event coming up just for you!   The Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is the first event of its kind devoted totally to women who

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My Victory High-Ball Test Ride 4U

The 2014 Victory High-Ball is not just another bobber-style cruiser. It’s a big engine, bare-bones, aggressive-looking, badass cruiser ready to own the streets of your town. Read on… Victory Motorcycles.

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Indian Chieftain Ride. Can you say WOW!

Here’s my take on the 2014 Indian Chieftain. In a word, “awesome”.   San Diego, CA – I ride on down to the new Indian & Victory Motorcycle Dealership on Kettner Blvd with my

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Motorcycle Sisters Heading to Denver.

Check your calendars Ladies…the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is coming in early May 2014. This 3 day Summit, from Friday, May 2nd to Sunday, May 4th, 2014 is a chance for

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My ride to the top of Mt. Soledad.

  “Hey, we just want to honor our Veterans and the extra-ordinary sacrifices they have made for this country. Our mission is that simple. We don’t view the cross as a

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SDHD’s Grand Opening March 22, 2014

Put Saturday, March 22, 2014 on your calendar friends. [Update: This event was super successful. Click here for Grand Opening Video Recap.] NY Myke & Team are throwing a party

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The Gunner…$12,999 base price. WOW!

The Victory Gunner Model may well be the best dollar to power riding value on the market today. The 2015 Victory Gunner is a powerhouse, new-age bobber powered by a 1,700

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New Victory Motorcycles in San Diego.

“Victory Motorcycles have sure come a long way since being introduced to the 2-wheeled world in 1998.” — Motorcycle Marc   I must admit that I have been a dedicated Harley-Davidson rider and

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Welcome to my new blog site folks.

Hello fellow riders and adventurers, Finally, this new blog engine is tuned up and ready to go. My old blog platform at is being retired. As many of you

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Indian Motorcycles Arrive In San Diego

America’s First Motorcycle Company, founded in 1901, now has a new dealership location in San Diego. Big news motorcycle fans. You no longer have to travel hundreds of miles to

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