Happy New Year Everybody

Thank you all for keeping up with me and my blog. May the roads take you exactly where you want to go in 2014. Ride safe out there. MJB Lots

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Los Angeles Auto Show. Lots of action this year.

I try to get to as many of the main automobile and motorcycle shows as I can every year. I recently checked out the Los Angeles Auto Show. Here are

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The Pilgrims: Let’s give thanks to the original freedom seekers.

Happy Thanksgiving Adventurers, I got to thinking the other day about the brave English souls who made the courageous decision to get outa town and away from the corruption that

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Edelweiss Motorcycle Tour in Peru? Dream ride to Machu Picchu.

Hello Biker Friends, My in-laws had the good fortune of having a beachside home in the quaint town of Huanchaco Trujillo, Peru for many years. My Babe (aka: Loving Wife) went

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San Diego Harley-Davidson: New Location. Big Opening November 23, 2013.

New York Myke & the SDHD Team are ready for The Big Opening. Beginning Saturday, November 23, 2013, we motorcycle riders will have another great location to ride to…the new San

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Happy Veterans Day. Thank You Veterans.

How fortunate we are in America to have such brave men and women protecting us from evil. We sure do appreciate our military heroes. Thank you for your service. Thank

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Wisconsin Artist Drawing Local Harley Art.

Hello Riders, I rode up to Milwaukee often while living and working out of Chicago in the mid ’90s. Great city with great people this town… Let me share with

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Milwaukee Hosts 110th HD Anniversary

The 110th Harley-Davidson Anniversary Party! Did you attend?   Think about it riders! How many American companies can say they have survived for over 100 years? According to Yale University

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