Jeff Senour’s Freedom Rock Experience – Where young people become Rock Stars!

Motorcycle enthusiast, airline captain and world-class musician Jeff Senour, is on a mission. I want to tell you about it… but first, let’s get perspective on the challenges facing America’s young people today.

One doesn’t have to look far to see why so many of America’s youth are in crisis. Too many teenagers are stuck with crappy role models and 30% don’t even make it through high school according to the latest 2013 Gallup Hope Report. Then, there’s drug and alcohol abuse and all the tragic antisocial and crime-related consequences surrounding this issue for our young folks. Read the latest report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse on Drug Facts of America’s Youth for the sad details.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Excellent source of information on the behaviors, attitudes, and values of America’s Teens & Young Adults. Source: University of Michigan

Today’s youth it seems, are even coming under siege from the technology they so love and have grown up with. Eleven (11) teens die everyday from auto accidents caused by their texting and driving. Yes, as insane as this statistic appears, it’s true. Distraction-based vehicle accidents cause nearly a dozen teens to die every day in the U.S.A. This number is even higher for motorcyclists whether adults or teens. Around 93% of motorcycle accidents prove fatal in the United States alone, with the reasons for such traffic accidents ranging from drunk driving to distracted driving. Each state has its own statistics for traffic accidents for motorcyclists, for example, las vegas motorcycle accidents statistics state that there were significantly fewer accidents the previous year, but also estimates that motorcyclists are 27x times more likely to fatally injured in an accident.

Then, there’s traffic accident stats in general…DEADLY TOLL on teens! Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among 15 to 19 year olds…this is unbelievable right? Sadly, it’s true. Accidents seem to happen left, right and centre and the sad truth is that they can literally happen anytime and anywhere. Those injured should consider getting legal assistance following their incident from someone like this personal injury lawyer in houston.

Growing up just doesn’t seem all that easy in America…the world’s richest country. Negative role models seem to be everywhere. Teenagers imitate the actions and look of characters on TV, in video games and in movie theaters. They even learn to lie by watching our so-called leaders in Washington, DC. Today’s media machine is no longer promoting family values or even modeling pro-social behavior for our young people. None of us would be too far off base saying that it all appears nuts out there. It’s no wonder young people may not seem as inspired as earlier generations appeared to be. From all I see and hear, it’s darn right tough out there for America’s youth.

The good news is that there’s a lot of hope for America’s young people and that hope comes from good folks like Jeff Senour, his CTS Band and organizations like B.R.A.K.E.S.

“Young people want to be successful, says Jeff Senour, lead singer and band leader of the CTS Band. They want to help not only themselves, but others too. They want to chase opportunity but many aren’t receiving the type of inspiration that helps drive them forward in the direction of their dreams.”

“This is where me and my band come in. Teens love music. It inspires them to do and to be. It helps lift them up. It makes them feel good about themselves and about their lot in life…no matter how difficult their own circumstances might be.”

Jeff Senour and The CTS Rock Group.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

CLICK IMAGE FOR VIDEO – Hit Song – “Invisible”.

Consider The Source (CTS), is the name of Jeff’s band. An award-winning group of rock & rollers with a cause that goes way beyond just being rock stars touring the U.S. They’re hell bent on inspiring young people to dream big and be all that they can be in this great land of ours. It’s a tall order but they are doing it one High School and one College at a time. The band teams up with local schools and colleges all over the country to teach music, put on spectacular rock and roll stage shows and to raise money for school music programs.

CTS band members are all professional, world-class musicians. They are: Jeff Senour, Founder/Songwriter/Lead Vocals/Guitar, Tony Lugo, Lead Guitar/Vocals, Joe McGinnity, Drummer, and Jerry Nuzum, Bassman/Keyboards/Harmonica/Vocals. Click here for complete band bios.

CTS’s vehicle for helping to inspire America’s young people is the Freedom Rock Experience. It’s an amazing musical extravaganza that promotes living life to the fullest, achieving dreams and becoming champions of life. The Freedom Rock Experience is filled with songs designed to inspire our youth to go for it, become positive role models themselves and to become future leaders in their communities and country.

Click on the images throughout this post for a sample of how Jeff and the CTS Band use music to inspire high school kids. Hang on…we’re talking real rock and roll here. In fact, you might just want to get a cold refreshment and enjoy the music videos…CTS and the High School kids are that good.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


High School Fund Raising Like You’ve Never Seen

The Freedom Rock Experience is a multi-media rock and roll show full of big-time onstage energy. The music performance focus is around a storyline of inspiration and building confidence for being all one can be in life. “The kids just love it, says Jeff. It really gets them excited about being a part of a great performance in front of their friends, family and fans who attend the shows.”

CTS performs with high school orchestras around the country in an effort to inspire our youth and show them that with hard work, any dream is possible. Here’s how it works:

  • School books concert date(s) with CTS and the venue of their choice.
  • School receives original CTS scored music for band rehearsals including, marketing plan for the show.
  • CTS conducts a workshop on the day of the event for all students, faculty and musicians involved.
  • Post-show meet & greets includes photo ops, autographs, media interviews with participants.
  • Students are the Stars. Schools may record the show(s) for post-concert sales/fund raising.

CTS Band concert fees and professional coaching preparations for the high school bands/orchestras range from $2,500 to $5,000 per show. Fees can vary per concert dates, location, related travel expenses, and other cost considerations to be determined at the time of booking. In many cases, CTS and/or the school in question is able to obtain corporate and private sponsors to underwrite the cost of each show.

Consider bringing the Freedom Rock Experience to your high school or college soon.

The Doug Herbert’s B.R.A.K.E.S Connection….CTS Band teams up with the B.R.A.K.E.S. Organization.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Helping Young Drivers Learn To Drive Under All Road Conditions.

Top Fuel NHRA racer, Doug Herbert, lost two sons in a car accident. The pain and sorrow he must of felt on that tragic day, I cannot even put into words. He now commits his life to save teen driver’s lives through his B.R.A.K.E.S Driving Schools…an organization he started in memory of his two boys.

The CTS band and Campo Verde High orchestra recently teamed up on a new song for B.R.A.K.E.S written by Jeff named, ” Hit and Run ” The song is about a car crash but the deeper meaning is about how we can all make the world a better place by treating each other with respect. The Golden Rule is tried and true and this song exemplifies that, says Jeff.’

Click here for Jeff’s & Doug’s video introducing their partnership and objectives for coming together.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Put on the B.R.A.K.E.S…training young people about safe and responsible driving.

The song, Hit and Run, attempts to capture the meaning of safe driving. The CTS band is committed to working with Doug and his Team to promote safe driving through the B.R.A.K.E.S. driving schools, says Jeff.

Jeff told me that six time land speed record holder and a mutual friend, Valerie Thompson, was the inspiration behind the song.

The song is available on iTunes and all proceeds from all downloads go to Doug Herbert’s National Driving School Organization, B.R.A.K.E.S. We are proud to be associated with Doug’s organization and are pleased to donate all revenues from this hit song to B.R.A.K.E.S. says Jeff.

Well Friends… As you can see from this blog post, Jeff Senour, his band CTS and Doug Herbert’s B.R.A.K.E.S organization are bringing inspiration, hope and life-training skills to our young folks all over the country.

Jeff and CTS are on a mission to inspire our youth that with hard work, confidence and desire, any dream can come true.

B.R.A.K.E.S. is on a mission to develop safe drivers and save young lives on the byways and highways of America.

Every single one of these good folks…Jeff, members of the CTS band and Doug Herbert, are fueled by a passion for a better world…a world led by enthusiastic and positive-minded youth. I for one, love the work they do and support it 100%.

Ride Safe Out There.

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BUY JEFF SENOUR & CTS BAND MUSIC ON ITUNES. Proceeds from three of their songs, Quarter Mile, Snowball Express and You Won’t Be Forgotten, go directly to charity.

Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Yup, it’s true. I actually thought I could be a rock star like Jeff Senour back in 1980. Oh well…it’s OK to dream folks!

P.S. We all know that young people are the future. Let’s give them a real headstart by supporting the Freedom Rock Experience movement. A movement focused on inspiring our youth to make their dreams a reality and to help make America the best that it can be. Thank you. MJB


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

THE CTS BAND – INSPIRING THE YOUTH OF AMERICA. Click image for more information.

Want to sponsor a CTS Band Concert at your High School? Contact CTS Press Agent, Eric Studer, at (214)-676-3860 or via email at [email protected].

Teenagers at home? Want to know more about the issues facing America’s Youth? Click here to access the 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study on the topic of Youth Risk Behavior.

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