Motorcycle Sisters Heading to Denver.

Check your calendars Ladies…the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is coming in early May 2014.

This 3 day Summit, from Friday, May 2nd to Sunday, May 4th, 2014 is a chance for women riders to be part of something special; to expand your circle of friends, to exchange ideas, experiences and stories and for you to have a voice in helping shape the motorcycle lifestyle experience.

Riding a motorcycle is not just a guy thing anymore.

Statistics from the Motorcycle Industry Council indicate that 12% of U.S. motorcyclists were women riders in 2012. That’s 12% of an estimated 27 million motorcycle riders in the country.

The Steel Horse Sisterhood Motorcycle Summit will bring  together product designers, manufacturers, industry professionals and, most importantly, women who RIDE – all in the name of SISTERHOOD and CHARITY.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

3-Day Event Specifically Designed For Women Riders.


Why you should attend this groundbreaking motorcycle summit?

Never before has an event of this magnitude been offered specifically for women riders. You will be part of making history with your riding sisters. Any woman who shares the love of motorcycling and/or is interested in learning more about motorcycling needs to attend this motorcycle summit.

You’ll attend industry seminars, talk to vendors about their products and what they can do to improve them for women riders and, hear from some of the most influential women in the world of motorcycling. Riders like Bonneville Speed Racers, Laura Klock and Jessi Combs. Women Rider publisher Genevieve Schmitt, and Joan Krenning, Entrepreneur and CEO of Design Wraps Brands just to name a few.

Special Motorcycle Movie Screening to be presented at the Summit.

Yes, the new movie, “Driven To Ride”…will be featured during the event. Click the Movie Trailer teaser for a quick peek.

A recent survey commissioned by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company and published in December 2013 confirmed what many of us motorcycle riders already suspected…”Riding a motorcycle improves a woman’s feelings of overall self-worth, compared to woman who don’t ride.” Heck, I believe it does the same thing for men. That’s the power of riding in the wind folks. Click here for the survey’s overall result.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Go Ahead!…sign up for this unique motorcycle event.


Ride Safe Out There.

Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

In front of the Mt. Soledad Cross. La Jolla, CA.
















Steel Horse Sisterhood Founder and Organizer: Joan Krenning, CEO of Design Wraps Brands. Click here to visit the amazing riding adventures of “Lady Road Dog”…

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