Distracted Driving Awareness


Nothing is more threatening to us motorcycle riders than the distracted driver who now commonly occupies our streets, roadways and highways. Driving mobile phone users and habitual texters have become a real menace to all motorcycle riders and cagers alike. 3,477 people were killed and over 421,000 injured in 2015, according to the latest government data.

The distracted driver problem is getting worse in my opinion and this deadly practice must simply, somehow, be stopped.

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Menace is defined in Webster’s dictionary as a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat of harm and/or danger. Someone who causes trouble or annoyance…a dangerous or threatening person…”. Yet, while the dangers of distracted driving, especially texting and driving, are clear, people are still doing it.

Like drugged or drunk drivers, distracted drivers have become a clear and present danger to us all.

I estimate that almost half the drivers I see on California highways seem to be on cell phones, smart phones, texting and/or even checking the internet while driving. It’s a roadway crisis!- MJB

I put tens of thousands of miles on my 2 and 4-wheel vehicles each year and I’m frankly shocked at the number of distracted drivers out there. I even see big rig operators on their cell phones on a regular basis. How insane is this?

Young and old, everyone seems to be doing it! Driver inattention seems to have become a “normal” roadway practice. It’s an addiction as far as I can tell and it appears to be getting worse. According to New Jersey’s Attorney General’s Office, 53% of crashes in that state labeled “driver inattention” as a contributing factor. Yes, that’s over half of all accidents in Jersey. I suspect this to be a typical statistic in all states across the country. If you are in need of legal services following your road incident, you could go to the site of Conway injury attorneys at Joye Law firm in South Carolina.

Law Enforcement Cannot Solve The Distracted Driver Problem Without Our Help.

Look-it, I like cops. They do amazing work keeping us safe under the toughest of circumstances. Having them spend valuable life-saving time chasing cell phone use violators is a complete waste of their talent and bravery. Weekend crackdowns, ticket campaigns and checkpoints targeting motorists who are using handheld devices while driving are simply not effective. These actions, while they sound good and even appear worthy, do nothing to curtail this dangerous practice beyond the time period in question.

Low-level fines of $100 to $500 on motorists violating the distracted cell phone laws are not working.

Yes, you can add court costs and various fees to increase the penalty but let’s be honest! These low-level fines have done nothing to stop texting and driving for example. Click here for an example of what I’m talking about…Killer Texter fined only $500!

Now, a $2,500 fine, that’s a meaningful pocketbook pain point. Add loss of a drivers license for 6 to 12 months and you’ll really get people’s attention. And, if you kill someone due to your reckless use of a mobile device while driving, vehicular manslaughter/murder charge at minimum is a must.

Drugged. Drunk. Distracted Drivers…all should be treated as harshly as a DUI sentence in my book.

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So, where do we go from here? Here’s my 2-cents.

1. I’m no lawyer but I gotta tell yas. Those inflicting pain and misery because of an accident caused by the use of their mobile device need to be at minimum, charged with reckless driving.

Plus, prosecutors should charge offenders with vehicular assault when an accident occurs from such reckless driving. Suspending driving privileges for 12 months should also be part of the legal package.

2. Employers must enforce laws that prohibit on-the-job cell phone use while employees are driving on business. Employees should fear the possibility of getting fired should they be caught using their smart phones or laptops while driving on business. In other words, employees engaging in a clearly dangerous workplace behavior and breaking the law should be disciplined…up to and including, being fired for breaking company risk management and safety rules. And, employers, you corporate liability and deep pockets are sure to attract a big lawsuit should one of your employees crash and kill due to being driving distracted on the job.

3. Adults need to be better role models to teen drivers. A recent survey, found that 77% of teens say adults tell them not to text and drive yet, do it themselves all the time. Is this nuts or what? Please, it’s time to lead by example people. If you’ve got a teenager and you’re worried about their safety on the road, get a dash cam from somewhere like Blackbox My Car and make sure they’re driving carefully. Remember that reckless or distracted driving can also affect insurance premiums for teen drivers. There are some insurance companies that give higher rates when it comes to insurance, however, other insurance companies offer policies that allows young drivers to get affordable insurance to cover them in case the worse should happen.

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TAKE THE PLEDGE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! Click on image for more information.

4. Take The Pledge.

No text message, email, website or video is worth the risk of endangering my life or the lives of others on the road. I pledge to never text and drive and take action to educate others about the dangers of texting while driving. No text is worth the risk. It can wait!”

I like this attempt by AT&T to get the word out. I have taken the pledge…will you?

5. Become an advocate. Yes, you need to get involved. Your safe motoring life actually depends on it. If you’re a motorcyclist, there’s no excuse. You must do something against distracted driving. It is literally a threat to our sport and passion.This problem will not go away on its own…we must all play a part.

6. Use advanced technology to prevent texting, emailing, or web access while a vehicle is in motion…any motion.

Best I figure, only widespread use of technology that prevents mobile smart phones from working while inside a vehicle will bring any meaningful solution to this deadly problem.

Texting and driving is now a part of people’s psyche…a bad habit stuck in the consciousness of today’s drivers. While tougher laws and large fines should act as a deterrent for the responsible among us, the irresponsible will continue to use their smart phones while driving and as a result, continue to cause accidents.

Phone scrambling technology using GPS to disable texting and/or phone calls while a vehicle is in motion.

The technology is available…we just need laws to implement it. I am now convinced that society has no choice but to vote in the mandatory use of this phone scrambling technology less we want distracted driving accidents to continue to wreck the lives of innocent people. Check out one of the leading companies offering such a product, CogoSense Company.

7. Join the American Motorcyclists Association and help them work with the NHTSA.

The AMA has taken on the cause of distracted drivers as well and your AMA membership matters towards moving this cause forward. Click here for the AMA’s latest news item on the issue. Click here for the official statement from the AMA regarding their position on the inattentive operation of vehicles.

So, what is the government doing about this distracted driving crisis?

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Click image to access online driver training from the pros at Atlantic Tranining.com.

You need to know that the U.S. Department of Transportation, through the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), is trying to help the cause by leading the effort to stop texting and cell phone use behind the wheel. They have held two national distracted driving summits, banned texting and cell phone use for commercial drivers, encouraged states to adopt tough laws, and launched several campaigns to raise public awareness on the issue.

Driver training is a key component…but it’s not enough.

As a motorcyclist, I do appreciate the efforts of the NHTSA but fact is, as you have just read throughout this blog post…we have a long way to go before distracted drivers are stopped from menacing users of our roadways. Check out their website and judge for yourself how the government is assisting the cause. Bottom line, you and me need to get involved and help keep the roads safe. No government body can do it for us.

So, as we enter another exciting season of motorcycling, we should all make sure that we have good health insurance and life insurance since there is surely to be more accidents on the highways and byways of this great land due to distracted drivers. The texting and driving problem is that bad I tell yas. Five seconds and it could all be over.

If you are involved in a truck accident caused by drunk driving or a loved one is killed in such an incident, you might want to consider getting in touch with a lawyer.

The Bottom Line: Don’t Drive Distracted…ever! If you must use your phone while driving, find a safe place to pull off the road before you make your call or send your text. The life you save may well be your own.

Ride Safe Out There.

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Remember, Don’t Text & Drive. Be Safe!

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Please see footer of this website for more information.

Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

RIDER SAFETY MATTERS…Special note to those of us lucky enough to ride all year long.

“Motorcycling…is not of itself, inherently dangerous. Riding a motorcycle is however, extremely unforgiving of inattention, ignorance, incompetence or stupidity.â€

Not sure who came up with the above quote and observation but I gotta tell yas…after 45 years of motorcycle riding experience, I could not have said it better myself. Unfortunately, we must add an additional warning to this observation today. No matter how good and safe a rider you are, there’s a distracted driver out there who could snuff you out. If you are a driver that has found yourself in the difficult position of causing a road accident, you could look into contacting someone like Weiland Upton to help you out with your case. As much as some drivers do infuriate me, I guess accidents do happen!

Research from the Ad Council shows that people are convinced that being distracted while driving is dangerous, yet they are still doing it.

The good folks at the Ad Council are doing all they can to help educate our addicted-to-smartphones population. A big thanks goes to them for their efforts but in the end, it is “you” the driver and rider who needs to take responsibility for your safety and the safety of others on the roads. It is clear by now that no entity, private or public, is able to curtail distracted roadkills in any significant numbers.

Then, there’s the “Buzzed While Driving” crowd…how stupid are these people?

According to the Ad Council, someone is killed every 51 minutes in the U.S due to an alcohol-related car accident. This figure should be both shocking and terrifying to any motorcyclist out there. Anyone involved in an accident and who suffers an injury as a result may be looking to find a motorcycle accident lawyer to take on their potential claim.

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“There’s this incredible feeling you get when riding buzzed…Especially when you crash…such as flesh being torn from your limbs as bones are being broken, crushed and dismembered from your body.” —From the Ride Smart Ride Sober Campaign

Start with “The Pledge”…I will not text and drive.

Come on people, we all know that distracted driving is dangerous. So how do we effectively deal with this roadkill habit?

Distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways. In 2015, there were 3,477 people killed and an estimated additional 391,000 injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. If you are one such person who has become the victim of an injury, you may want to talk to a motorcycle accident lawyer in Sacramento CA for assistance with you case.

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Thank you for taking the Pledge. Thank you for refusing to Text and Drive.

Hey Drivers…looking twice for motorcyclists is one of the best safety actions you can make while driving your vehicle.

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The Bottom Line

Distracted drivers are unable to focus their full attention on the road. As noted earlier, they are the leading cause of most crashes per the NHTSA. They are a menace to themselves, their passengers, other drivers and killers of motorcyclists.

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Only you can prevent motorcycle accidents so ride safely and look out for the distracted driver.

Me, I gave up riding motorcycles during commute hours years ago in southern California as I witnessed the driving while distracted epidemic take hold. The riding risk-to-reward ratio during commute times is simply not “worth it†to me.

Ride Safe Out There,

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Thank You for reading my blog.

About Motorcycle Marc – I’m just a motoblogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer, ambassador and sponsor. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Some of the material for this blog was gathered from numerous articles and websites available in the public domain. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer and/or Organizations represented. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.

The 2018 Star Venture from Yamaha…smooth runner!


BIG NEW BAGGER HITS THE MARKET – I just roadtested the new big luxury bagger from Yamaha Motorcycles. Here are my quick impressions of the Star Venture.

Comfort, convenience and sporty performance…Yes, a big sporty tourer!

The Star Venture comes equipped with with two drive modes. The touring mode gives you a smooth throttle and power response. The sport mode, well you better hang on, it offers  noticeable acceleration delivery and demands you pay attention to handling this big bike  with confidence off the line and around corners.

Seats, backrest and grips come with a heated feature for comfort in colder weather. Front fairing has an electronic, adjustable windscreen of course. Air management around the bike is excellent and made easier with plenty of vents.

These types of luxury baggers are made for comfortable, long-distance two-up riding. I did not test the bike with a passenger but from all I could see, the 17-inch wide passenger seat, backrest and appropriately placed rear floorboards would provide state of the art comfort for a passenger.

The Star Venture even comes with a reverse gear for parking ease and convenience. Yamaha’s “Sure-Park” system makes for easy maneuvering even when this 963 pounder  is fully loaded.


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There’s a new bagger in town…the 2018 Yamaha Star Venture. You got to give it a go. Photo Credit: Yamaha Motorcycles


Dashboard infotainment system delivers everything you need.

The Star Venture’s infotainment system is full of logically organized features including GPS navigation, a communications suite, audio package, vehicle health control info, external device connectors and there’s even a CB radio option. All key features are easily readable on a 7-inch, color LCD screen and managed effortlessly from the easy touch handlebar-controlled command center. This said, there are a ton of options here and it would likely take me thousands of miles to master it all. Click here for more information.


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Big dashboard of the Star Venture. Easy to read 7-inch screen. Easy access to controls.


1854cc V-Twin motor offers excellent power…126 pound-feet of power.

Yamaha has done a great job with this all newly designed 1,854cc (113ci) motor. It’s a 48 degree V-Twin that sounds really tight and smooth. In fact, it’s actually a very quiet motor given the power it puts out. Literally, little to no mechanical engine noise. Superb engineering I must say.

The engine is pushed forward through a 6-speed transmission which gear shifts real smooth and is specifically designed for long-distance touring. A compact oil-cooler directly in front of the motor, inside the down tubes, attempts to keep the Star Venture’s V-Twin  engine temperature cool.

Engine exhaust sound is nice and throaty…delivered via two twin mufflers.


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Yamaha has developed a really nice big V-Twin motor for the Star Venture. 1,854cc (113ci and 126 lb-ft of torque). Photo Credit: Yamaha Motorcycles


Engine air-cooling ducts…they’re huge!

The two huge vertical air-cooling ducts don’t seem to fit the otherwise cool and sporty look of this bagger. In fact, I am not a fan of ’em. While they might be successful in directing air towards cooling the engine and even parts of the rider, they are too big and bulky looking for my tastes.


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Vertical air-cooling ducts straddling each side of the Star Venture’s front end…are HUGE! And, I’m not so sure they were effective in re-directing heat. This is a V-Twin afterall and it throws off quite a bit of heat.


Lots of storage space…

You can easily store two full-face helmets with lots of room to spare in the top trunk. The top trunk, saddlebags and fairing compartments hold more stuff than the new 2018 Goldwing which offers only 29.1 gallons (110 liters) of storage space according to recent press releases.


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37.3 gallons (141.2 liters) of volume across the saddlebags, trunk and fairing compartments. All storage locks electronically.


My Bottom Line

All things considered, this is a very impressive long-distance tourer offering excellent, sporty handling characteristics. Acceleration is quick. The chassis is stable and very responsive. Shifting was easy no matter the gear. Comfort…may be the best seat to handlebar configuration in its class.

I was not impressed with the bike’s engine heat management set up. The engine runs hot in my opinion. In fact, it reminds me of the engine heat issue I had on my original 2004 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide.

Custom cool look-wise…the vertical air ducts are too big…they just don’t look good in my opinion. And, I’m not sure they even work as designed for air control and direction around that big V-Twin engine. But hey, I would not hold this against the Star Venture. It’s a heck of a luxury bagger for the money.

The Star Venture offers a Transcontinental Option Package that comes with special features such as LED fog lamps, additional storage compartments for the passenger and an alarmed security system and more. For an extra $2,000 you get an impressive array of additional upgrades.

My bottom line, the Yamaha Star Venture offers a lot of bagger advantages for its MSRP price range of $24,999 – $26,999. You got to try it.

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The 2018 Star Venture. A good-lookin’ bagger from Yamaha Motorcycles. Suggest streamlining/downsizing the vertical air ducts up front to make next year’s model custom-cool looking. Click image for more information from Yamaha Motors. Photo Credit: Yamaha Motorcycles



Ride Safe Out There.

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Thank you for reading my blog folks. — MJB















About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a motoblogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer, ambassador and sponsor. I prefer to ride motorcycles but when I can’t ride I blog about it. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of thousands of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Some of the material for this blog was gathered from numerous articles and websites available in the public domain. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites, Links and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer and/or Organizations represented. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.

Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King


HARLEY-DAVIDSON ROAD KING – …one of my favorite baggers.

The Road King model was introduced to the Harley-Davidson lineup back in 1994 with the gear-driven, one cam 1340cc Evolution V-Twin motor (EVOs). The bike caught my attention immediately as a cool looking combination cruiser and touring machine. It also caught the attention of many Fire Departments and Police Departments all over the world…they love the Road King. It’s a great all-around HOG.

EVO motors were retired in 1998 and the engine went full Twin Cam 88 (1447cc) in 1999 housing two chain-driven cams and two valves per cylinder. In 2000, a 95ci big-bore kit was offered that took displacement to 1550cc…big power for the day.


Riders demanded even more power.

Harley-Davidson’s marketing gurus and dealers noticed consumer demand increasing for engine power so they introduced the Twin Cam 96ci (1584cc) in 2004. By 2012, the engine had grown to 103ci with a displacement of 1690cc.

Here we are, 23 years after its introduction and the FLHR Road King motor, the Milwaukee Eight, pushes out 107ci with a whopping displacement of 1746cc. As you’ll note in this blog post, the Road King continues to be one of Harley-Davidson’s classic rides. Read on…


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Good-lookin’ Harley-Davidson lines and profile come standard with the new 2017 FLHR Road King. This is the FLHR Road King I road tested courtesy of San Diego Harley-Davidson.


Truth be known, I’m an old school biker. I love the stripped down, sexy nostalgic style of the Road King touring bagger-cruiser look. It’s a work of classic mechanical art presented with a modern technological touch as far as I’m concerned.


The Road King’s stability, smoothness & handling is impressive!

I tend to have a sporty, fun temperament no matter the ride I’m on so stable, smooth handling is what I go for on motorcycles. My body position is typically cruiser-style, straight back up with feet forward. This riding approach fits the Road King perfectly for me. The Harley-Davidson Road King is no crotch rocket but it’s one of the best handling bagger-cruisers on the market today. I’ve ridden Harleys most of my riding career and I got to admit, the Road King is one of my favorite rides.


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King of the Road…the Harley-Davidson Road King. Powered by the Milwaukee Eight 107ci engine (111.4 ft. lb. & 1746cc). Ride courtesy of San Diego Harley-Davidson. Click image for more information from SDHD on this black Road King.


Also for 2017, Harley-Davidson introduced the Road King Special.

This ride is super cool in my opinion. It’s got larger wheels, lower seat and is even 10 pounds lighter. Note the signature new headlight profile.

This is a dark, bad-ass looking Harley. Minimal chrome accentuates can be found around the engine but you have to look hard to see it…Hint: See lower rocker boxes, pushrod tubes and tappet blocks.


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Just look at this 2017 Road King Special…blacked-out from its front headlight and front forks back to the 107ci Milwaukee Eight engine to the headers and pipes. Note the stripped-down styling, mini-ape handlebars, 19-inch front wheel and stretched saddlebags. Rear wheel is 18 inches compared to 16 inches in the standard FLHR. Seat height is 26.4 inches compared to 28 inches on the standard Road King…It’s a beautifully slammed profile. Photo: HDmedia


The Road King is Harley-Davidson’s base level Touring Model (FL).

It’s the perfect motorcycle for motorcycle purists like me. I don’t need a stereo, GPS or any fancy infotainment stuff. My butt and back do appreciate that the 2017 Road King has new and improved front and rear suspension and I just love twisting the throttle on that 111.4 ft. pd of torque out of that Milwaukee Eight motor. And yes, I’ll take a standard FLHR windshield with that ride.


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San Diego Harley-Davidson has an excellent selection of Road Kings and Road King Specials on their show room floor. Click image to pay them a visit online. Better still, visit one of their showrooms and test ride a Road King for yourself.


The Bottom Line

The SDHD Road King road tested for this blog post came powered by the sporty 107ci Milwaukee Eight engine. It’s a powerhouse, high-displacement motor (1746cc) that is quick off the starting line and will even spin the rear tire changing from 1st to 2nd gear should you want it to. It’s one hell of an impressively fast and smooth motor.

The Harley-Davidson Road King (FLHP model) is used by over 3,500 U.S. police and fire departments in 45 countries. If the Road King is good enough for our first responder heroes, it’s good enough for me. Great ride!


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About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a motoblogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer, ambassador and sponsor. I prefer to ride motorcycles but when I can’t ride I blog about it. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of thousands of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)



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FYI – The vivid black Harley-Davidson Road King road tested for this blog post was equipped with a new set of Michelin Scorcher 31 tires. Click banner to read my complete tire test and if you want to save $40 on a new set of Michelin Scorcher tires for your Harley-Davidson, click on the Michelin banner in my post.



Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Some of the material for this blog was gathered from numerous articles and websites available in the public domain. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites, Links and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer and/or Organizations represented. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.


Roadtest: Street Glide Special…with Milwaukee Eight Motor


STREET GLIDE SPECIAL – There’s a great handling, powerful and sleek lookin’ bagger.

We motorcycle riders live in a great time…There’s an affordability price point for everyone and a riding style design for every 2-wheeler and 3-wheeler out there. The marketplace is flush with pre-owned bikes and the new bikes are technologically outstanding. Choices have never been better. Yes, it’s a wonderful time to be a motorcycle enthusiast/biker.

My latest adventure put me on a new 2017 Harley-Davidson Street Glide Special.


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Picked up this beauty of a bagger from San Diego Harley-Davidson.


Imagine if you will…

…riding a new Harley-Davidson Street Glide Special with a brand new 45-degree V-Twin engine from the Motor Company. The first new engine design since the world famous Twin Cam motor of 1999.

The Milwaukee Eight is the most powerful Harley-Davidson engine ever put out by the craftsmen and craftswomen at the factory. The 107ci Milwaukee Eight motor is one impressive engine as you will see in this post.

P.S. There’s also a 114ci version (1,870cc) but that’s for a CVO model blog post in the future.


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Stripped down bagger style. Slammed suspension. Talk about sexy curb appeal! The 2017 Harley-Davidson Street Glide Special is one good looker.


First things first…let’s talk big new motor.

The Milwaukee Eight is a totally new motor from Harley-Davidson. Here are my observations.


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Faster Throttle Response. Faster and super smooth. Quick to the touch with crisp throttle action. Very impressive rev ranges too.

Cooler-running engine. In fact, engine coolness operation exceeded my expectations. Significantly less heat transmitted from the heads and exhaust components. Excellent heat management away from the rider.

More power. 92.5 hp out of the factory! More torque at 111 ft.pd…10% more torque than the Twin Cam 103 and 110. Displacement is serious at 1,750cc. Lots of power…can easily handle two-up riding.

Better sound. You’ll notice less mechanical noise from the internal components of this new motor and a much crisper, richer exhaust note out of the pipes.

More speed. Harley-Davidson engineers claim 3-bike lengths faster from 0-60, 2-bike lengths quicker in top gear 60-80 mph. I was very impressed by the acceleration and speed of this bagger.

Easy Gear Shiftin’. Smooth gearing, easy shifter feel…And, easy to get into Neutral.

Rubber mounted & counter balanced. Engine vibration is minimal on the Milwaukee Eight but there’s enough to keep the “Harley feel” of vibration alive.

Harley-Davidson uses a single counter-rotating internal balancer that literally cancels 75% of the engine’s primary shake. The genius of HD manufacturing here is that the “Harley shakin'” while subdued, can still be felt…love this!

RPM at idle. This was one of the first things I noticed when I picked up the Street Glide. Idle rpm has been cut from the normal/regular 1000 rpm down to 850 rpm. Makes for less heat at idle.


“Overall Feel”. In summary, this is a powerhouse motor. The Milwaukee Eight provides faster throttle response, more torque, better sound, runs cooler and it is smooth…really, really smooth.


Chassis, Suspension and Braking Observations

If ever there was a world-class feel to a motorcycle ride, the 2017 Street Glide Special offers it.

Front and rear suspension are all new. Control is felt directly throughout your body no matter the acceleration, speed or road condition. Ride is considered “sporty bagger plush” in my opinion.

Harley-Davidson uses dual bending valve fork technology that runs off the likes of these solenoid valve controllers found at https://tameson.com/solenoid-valve-types.html in the new 49mm forks on this Street Glide. Fork travel is 4.6 inches so there’s plenty of room for the unanticipated pot hole.

The front suspension is by Showa. The rear suspension features dual shock absorbers with 15% to 30% more pre-load adjustment than on prior Street Glide models. Shocks are hydraulically adjustable with a single knob – no tools necessary.

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Superb Brakes. Harley-Davidson teamed up with Brembo Brakes to bring to life a superb, stopping response experience.

These high-end brakes work excellently in corners and work to help you stop quicker whenever you want to.

The braking system on the Street Glide Special is the best I’ve felt to date from Harley-Davidson. The Brembo calipers, stainless steel discs and braking components are world class. The braking with ABS, is responsive and just plain tight.


Overall, the new chassis, suspension design and brakes means better control at low speeds and a better highway grip sensation at higher speeds. Quite the impressive riding technology combination I must say. Very good rider control and very comfortable.


Honorable Mention…the InfoSystem…GPS & Boom Box

For those of you that like to listen to music while riding or to follow GPS directions when out on the road, you are gonna like this “Boom Box” infosystem. We are talking big, full color touch screen navigation that is easy to use…big ass speakers for big sound and switches/controls that are located where you intuitively expect them to be.

The music sound system is impressive. In fact, it’s better sounding than my home theater system. The Boom Box Owner’s Manual is a must read however in order to learn how to work it all to your liking.


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The 2017 Street Glide Special. Hangin’ by the Beach in Del Mar, California.


My bottom line…

Run to your nearest Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Dealer to schedule a test ride. The Street Glide Special is an awesome, hot-rod looking, sporty bagger that handles really well. It’s got massive torque and more power than you expect. If you live in SoCal, visit San Diego Harley-Davidson…they’ll take good care of you.


Ride Safe Out There.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Happy Holidays everyone. – Motorcycle Marc












About Harley-Davidson Motor Company – Since 1903, the Harley-Davidson Motor Company has fulfilled dreams of personal freedom with cruiser, touring and custom motorcycles, riding experiences, biker events and everything in between. For more information, visit www.h-d.com.

About Harley-Davidson in San Diego, California

SDHD began operations in 1915. New York Myke Shelby bought the dealership in 1993 and over the years, turned it into one of the top rider destinations in southern California. Today, Ty Miller & and NY Myke’s daughter, Jen Milller, run the place keeping customers at the forefront of everything they do. Under their leadership, SDHD has become one of the biggest, baddest and best Harley-Davidson dealerships in the world.

About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a just a motoblogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)


Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.

Roadtest – Michelin Scorcher 31 Tires


MOTORCYCLE TIRES – Where the rubber meets the road.

Motorcycle tire brands…You name it, I’ve likely spun it over my 45 years of motorcycling. Dunlop, Metzeler, Avon, Shinko, Pirelli, Continental and others…all are good. Not all are great. Let me introduce you to a great motorcycle tire, specifically designed for Harley-Davidson motorcycles…the Michelin Scorcher 31 tire.

For this tire review, I connected with the Marketing Pros at Michelin North America and the good folks at San Diego Harley-Davidson to select the best motorcycle for this tire test. With guidance from SDHD’s General Manager, Ty Miller, we agreed that the new 2017 Harley-Davidson Road King would offer the best overall tire test experience.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

We selected the 2017 Harley-Davidson Road King to test the Michelin Scorcher 31 tires. Road King motorcycle courtesy of San Diego Harley-Davidson. (SDHD). Michelin Scorcher 31 tires courtesy of Michelin North America.


The importance of tire design.

Tread design on motorcycle tires is based on the manufacturer’s best estimation of the rubber configuration required for different riding styles and road conditions. For example – Sport Touring, Touring and Cruising motorcycles need special tires that will promote nimble handling on a variety of roads. One needs a totally different tire design for Enduro, Dual-Sport or Off Road Dirt riding.

Look at the unique tread design on the Michelin Scorcher 31 tires.

Note the continuous center-tire groove that runs down the middle of the tire. This groove is matched on each side with straight-line, angled grooves as shown in the photos below.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Rear Tubeless Tire: Michelin Scorcher 31 – 180/65 B16 (81H)

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Front Tubeless Tire: Michelin Scorcher 31 – 130/80 B17 (65H)















Here’s my take of the Michelin Scorcher 31 tires

Traction & Grip – The SDHD Road King used to test these tires comes powered by the 107ci Milwaukee Eight engine. It’s a powerhouse, high-displacement motor (1746cc) that is quick off the starting line and will even spin the rear tire changing from 1st to 2nd gear should you want it to. Traction and grip are essential safety features for riders under such power. I found the Scorcher 31 tires to be surefooted and planted in both dry and damp road conditions and at different acceleration speeds. These tires are real road huggers.

Stability, Smoothness & Handling - I tend to have a sporty, fun temperament no matter the ride I’m on so stable, smooth handling is what I go for with my motorbikes. My body position is typically cruiser-style, straight back up with feet forward. This riding approach requires that my tires meet the road solid and stable, smooth and sure, with a sensitive lean-the-bike response when I need it. The FLHR Road King is no crotch rocket but it’s one of the best handling bagger-cruisers on the market today. I’ve ridden Harleys mostly equipped with Dunlop and Metzeler tires over the years and must say that the Michelin Scorcher 31 just felt smoother and more road sure to me regardless of road condition or handling challenge.

Tread Wear & Tire Life -  A good sign of a great tire is that it will wear evenly all over its surface. Best I can tell with this Michelin tire design, wear should be evenly distributed throughout the useful life of these tires assuming you avoid under-inflation or over-inflation of your tires. Speaking of “useful tire life”, I have found motorcycle tire life span to top out at five years or 8,500 miles, whichever comes first. You should get new tires when either one of these rules-of-thumb measures occurs.

Tire Construction – Michelin’s rubber pros teamed up with Harley-Davidson engineers to design the Scorcher 31 tires to qualify as original equipment replacement tires for several Harley-Davidson models. The rubber compounds are all new combining durability, grip and tread life.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Tire Construction: Tire tread is the most obvious part of tires but what supports that tread is critical to both comfort and safety. The sidewall is where load support and handling characteristics reside. The bead is where the tire mounts to the wheel ensuring a snug, no leakage fit. The backbone of tires, just underneath the tread, is known as the carcass and runs bead to bead. Note the multiple layer construction and carcass cords that run angled side to side. Superior engineering and tire construction. Photo: Michelin North America.


Temperature Management – Temperatures during my Michelin Scorcher 31 tire test ranged from 58 degrees fahrenheit during early southern California morning rides to 70 degrees mid-day to 100 degrees hot during a desert run. I experienced no noticeable riding control change during this wide temperature range. This tells me that heat dissipation and tire temperature flexibility works as designed on the Scorcher 31.

Weight Impact Management – I tested the Michelin Scorcher 31 brand as a single, 220 pound six-foot rider, no passenger. The running weight of the Road King is around 814 pounds. Total weight under test conditions was around 1,034 pounds give or take a few donuts. Tire pressure was set 36 to 38 psi in the front and 40 psi in the rear with the front tire pressure adjusted upwards and downwards by a pound or two depending on the temperature of the day.

Overall Value – The Michelin Scorcher tire brand is different. It has been designed specifically for Harley-Davidson motorcycles and delivers a series of benefits as opposed to just offering one or two superior tire traits typical of other motorcycle tire brands. First, the Scorcher 31 is a great handling tire. I felt no skips or slips during my tire test rides. Second, tire contact patch traction was excellent! These tires are real road huggers. Third, the Scorcher 31 offered a really smooth ride no matter how many pot holes or tar cracks I ran over. Fourth, they were quiet…very little road noise regardless of speed from these tires. And last but not least, they offer great value for your hard-earned dollar. Speaking of value, click here for $40 off your next set of new Michelin motorcycle tires.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

The 2017 FLHR…King of the Road.

Michelin and Harley-Davidson engineers worked together to develop the Scorcher tire line to specifically meet the high performance control and handling demands of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Michelin Scorcher Tires are original equipment and approved replacement tires for V-Rod, Dyna, Sportster and Touring Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and the only original equipment tire for the new Harley-Davidson Street Rod motorcycle.



Need new motorcycle tires for your Harley-Davidson? Save money here!

Get a $40 rebate from Michelin when you buy a set of new Scorcher Tires. Offer ends July 31, 2017. Click on banner below for details. 


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


The Bottom Line

Tires are the most safety-relevant part of your motorcycle. They also help define the style, shape and balance of your motorcycle look and profile. They’re the only link between you and the road so you cannot compromise on quality or fit when it comes to selecting motorcycle tires.

Make sure to match your tire selection to the engine power of your bike. Big displacement motorcycles need superior, high quality tires…great tires. Best I can tell, you and your Harley-Davidson motorcycle will cruise with confidence with Michelin Scorcher 31 tires.

For my dollar and riding style, I recommend this Michelin tire brand for your Harley-Davidson motorcycle…very high quality construction and superior handling characteristics.

Ride Safe Out There…

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Thank you for reading my blog folks.













About Michelin Motorcycle Tires

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Michelin North America is a $10.76 billion dollar company employing 22,000 employees. The company manufactures tires for all kinds of vehicles, including motorcycles. Michelin is known for its extensive research, development and testing engineering competence.


About Harley-Davidson in San Diego, California
A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

SDHD began operations in 1915. New York Myke Shelby bought the dealership in 1993 and over the years, turned it into one of the top rider destinations in southern California. Today, Ty Miller & and NY Myke’s daughter, Jen Milller, run the place keeping customers at the forefront of everything they do. Under their leadership, SDHD has become one of the biggest, baddest and best Harley-Davidson dealerships in the world.



About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a motoblogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer, ambassador and sponsor. I prefer to ride motorcycles but when I can’t ride I blog about it. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of thousands of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)


Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Some of the material for this blog was gathered from numerous articles and websites available in the public domain. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites, Links and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer and/or Organizations represented. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.




Tell ’em Motorcycle Marc Sent Ya…


MOTORCYCLE BUYING TIP 4U! When shopping for your next motorcycle, tell the Fit Specialist or Motorcycle SalesPro that I, (MotorcycleMarc – aka: #FitProMarc) sent ya. They’ll take extra special care to make sure you get the motorcycle that’s right for you and your budget. — Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Special Note: Please consider taking a Rider Safety Course that’s right for your level of riding experience. Motorcycling…is not of itself, inherently dangerous but riding a motorcycle is extremely unforgiving of inattention, ignorance, incompetence or stupidity. Never drink and ride. Always obey speed limits.

P.S. Let me know the outcome of your motorcycle buying experience in the comments section below.  Ride Safe Out There.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.











About Motorcycle Marc – I’m just a moto-blogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer, ambassador and sponsor. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)

The Moto Guzzi eXperimental 21 Cruiser – aka MGX-21


OK, I ADMIT IT! The MGX-21 is one cool looking, even seductive motorcycle.

Moto Guzzi’s Italian heritage goes back to 1921. For years, I thought their motorbikes were just darn right ugly but no more. Just check out the new Moto Guzzi MGX-21 cruiser, courageously branded as the “Flying Fortress”.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

1400cc Moto Guzzi Engine puts out 89 ft. lb. or torque. It’s an ultra-modern big block motor that is all EU4 Certified and puts out 96.6 hp.


The batwing-like design lines give this cruiser-tourer a sleek, futuristic profile that is truly unique in its class. 


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Big red cylinder heads stand out. The design of the 90 degree transverse V-Twin engine is pure Moto Guzzi. Note the carbon fiber parts throughout the bike’s construction – front fender, fuel tank panels, engine cover and side hardbags.


The look of the MGX-21…is brute sexy cool in my view.

Low in back, raised up front with an oversized 21 inch carbon fiber wheel, this is one good looking cruiser. The bike weighs only 751.8 pounds (341 kg). Seat height is 29.1 inches (740 mm).


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Moto Guzzi has developed a new steering geometry that improves overall balance and ease of riding. Its patented manoeuvring assistance system reduces the tendency of the big 21 inch wheel to “close” in low speeds and high steering angle turns.


The electronic engine management system includes full “Ride-by-Wire” acceleration that manages three different engine maps.

We’re talking total rider control here to adapt power and torque to any riding situation…selected right from the handlebar. More information on the three engine maps – Veloce, Turismo and Pioggia will be provided in this blog post once I complete my road test.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

The MGX-21 is fitted with two-channel ABS and a patented traction control system that can be adjusted to three different settings. Note the bright red Brembo Brake Calipers.



The Bottom Line coming soon…MSRP = $21,990. I continue to evaluate this new Motto Guzzi ride. In the meantime, click here to see the latest Moto Guzzi website information on this impressive machine. 


Ride Safe Out There.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.













About Motorcycle Marc – I’m just a motoblogger, some say a motorcycle industry influencer, ambassador and sponsor. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)

About Moto Guzzi Motorcycles – Known as “the Eagle company†by motorcyclists around the world, the legendary Moto Guzzi brand stands for pride and glorious tradition, combined with innovative engine research, Italian style, and chrome that proudly lights up the roads worldwide. The story began in 1921, in Mandello del Lario, Italy, and Moto Guzzi has never stopped since.

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Some of the material for this blog was gathered from numerous articles and websites available in the public domain. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer and/or Organizations represented. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.

Indian’s New Bagger Cockpit – Powered by the Ride Command System.


TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR RIDE…with the all new Ride Command System for 2017 Indian Chieftain, Chieftain Limited, Chieftain Elite and Indian Roadmaster.

For those of you who follow my blog, you’ll recall a blog post I did back in early 2015 about the Indian Roadmaster and how much I liked this new touring motorcycle. My only negative on the bike at the time was the lack of a GPS navigation system.

Well, that observation is history as Indian Motorcycle has just introduced a state of the art touchscreen system that comes with GPS and a whole lot more…read on.

Ride Command Technology is now standard equipment on both the 2017 Chieftain and Roadmaster.

Trademarked as the Indian Motorcycle Ride Command System, Indian’s huge 7-inch display is the largest available on a motorcycle today. As you will note in the following photos, the screen is bright with high-resolution and positioned close to the rider…making it easy to read and reach.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Cockpit dashboard is huge! 

The big 7-inch touchscreen offers simple information displays that are easy to see and control. It’s a bright, high resolution, 800 x 480 pixels screen that is even brighter than my Samsung Note 4 screen.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Easy to turn on. Easy to see. Easy to use interface.

The touchscreen is operated by state-of-the-art software. Understandably, software of this kind has to undergo a rigorous testing process before it is deemed safe to use. Consequently, you can learn more about the different software testing standards such as IEC 61508 Compliance that most electronic products need to meet by taking a look at some of the useful software testing resources over on the Parasoft website.

As for using the actual touchscreen though, one is able to work the screen via touch with gloves on or off. Yes, the 2017 Chieftain and Roadmaster Ride Command System comes with “glove-touch” technology. Impressive indeed! Also of note is the response/activation time following key-on…10 seconds and screen brightness is on.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Pinch-to-zoom technology makes screen management easy.

Managing the large screen display is intuitive and one quickly learns the modes and shortcuts available. The pinch-to-zoom technology works like your smart phone. Navigation around the touchscreen is simple as a result. Your bluetooth-enabled device is easily paired to the Ride Command System for maximum utility and use.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


You can get lost if you want to…but not with Ride Command.

There is a lot of vehicle information available on the Ride Command System screen. The screen can be customized via eight options that can be used in any combination. The Map/Navigation option is awesome. Best I’ve seen on any motorcycle to date.

The maps show turn by turn with clarity. The system also provides points of interest and a points of interest search capability, address search is accurate, audible route notifications can be activated and the system comes with a compass. A unique screen feature is the showing of a list of nearby gas stations when the low fuel indicator light comes on.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


My Bottom Line…

Indian’s new cockpit system is in a class of its own. The Ride Command System comes with superb built-in navigation that gives you easy to see turn-by-turn directions. Plus, Ride Command provides all kinds of data such as points of interests. Additionally, there’s a tire pressure monitor, fuel range indicator, miles to the next oil change notice, altitude calculation, average fuel usage, and a Bluetooth connection. This, the “Ride Command Touchscreen” system, is Indian’s best innovation to date. Next phase…add Sirius XM radio to the Ride Commander.


Ride Safe Out There.


Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Click on the following links to get more information on Indian’s

2017 Chieftain

2017 Chieftain Limited

2017 Chieftain Elite

and 2017 Roadmaster.







Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. See footer of this blog/website for more information. “Ride Command” is a trademark of the Indian Motorcycle Company. Chieftain and Roadmaster cockpit images used in this blog post are the property of Indian Motorcycle International, LLC and used with permission. Always wear a helmet. Always pay attention and keep your eyes on the road. Never ride or drive under the influence.


Victory Motorcycle Wheels Fall Off At Polaris

END OF THE ROAD FOR VICTORY MOTORCYCLES…An American Motorcycle Company Dies Before Its Time…

Big News! Polaris Industries announces the end of Victory Motorcycles…Got to admit, I did not see this news coming on Monday, January 9, 2017.

I will always remember where I was when I received the official media Press Release via email from Skyya Communications, Polaris’s PR pros. That warm sunny SoCal morning quickly turned cold as I read the announcement…Say what??? Big market cap Polaris Industries, an almost $6.0 billion corporation, could no longer afford to support the Victory Motorcycle brand? Wow, I said to myself as I boarded on a jet plane for a business trip to the east coast. Where’s the “American Muscle” in that newswire?

My history with Victory

As a long time friend and supporter of Victory motorcycles, the announcement both surprised and saddened me. What a shame I pondered as I looked out the airplane window…what the hell happened I wondered? How could such a supposedly powerful big enterprise like Polaris Industries give up on a true American brand after only 18 years in the marketplace?

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

My 2014 Victory High-Ball…best bar-hoppin’ fun bike ever. Click image to read my original blog post on this cool ride.

The making of an American motorcycle brand

In order to make sense of why Polaris Industries Chairman and CEO, Scott Wine, President of Motorcycles, Steve Menneto, and the Polaris Board of Directors decided to drop the Victory brand, one must get some perspective and context around what could lead to such a big, brand-killing, strategically-relevant, and future corporate brand positioning decision.

Remember back almost two decades to 1998, Victory was the motorcycle that was going to be the biker’s alternative to market leader, Harley-Davidson.

Victory’s first motorcycle, the V92C, was lauded as the new exciting American-made motorcycle that riders could fall in love with. The press loved it! Polaris championed it. And so began the building of a loyal fan base of Victory owners.

Market excitement for the new motorcycle company jumped exponentially when Arlen Ness Motorcycles of Dublin, CA signed on as a Victory dealership in 1999. The legendary Arlen Ness and his son, Cory, added huge credibility and brand relevancy to America’s new motorcycle company. They also signed on as styling consultants and as accessories supplier to Victory and in 2004, the Nesses created a cool series of sleek looking limited-edition Ness Signature Victory models. A third generation Ness, Zach, even got into the act joining the company after college and championed his own Zach Ness Signature Vegas model in 2011. The Ness family collaboration with the Victory team looked like a match made in motorcycle heaven from all I could see.

2008 was a big year with the introduction of the Freedom 106 V-twin.

I first learned about the new Freedom 106 motor during the summer of 2008 when the Victory Vision demo rides arrived at Ness Motorcycles. Victory added this industry-leading powerplant to the Hammers and Vegas models a year later.

By 2013, every Victory model sported the Freedom 106ci V-Twin motor. I loved the power, the acceleration and the look of this engine and, I loved the fact that its 1,731cc became viewed by Harley-Davidson as a serious contender with all its power and torque.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

106 cubic inches of Modern American Muscle. Click motor image for a series of excellent YouTube videos on this engine. Image Source: Victory Press

In 2015, I was fortunate to hook up with then External Relations Manager for Polaris Motorcycles, Robert Pandya. Robert put me in the saddle of a new Victory Magnum for a major roadtest across half the country that would lead me to the 75th Anniversary of Sturgis…and, what an amazing ride it was from San Diego, California to Sturgis, South Dakota.

I made it a point to visit over 10 Polaris/Victory dealers along the way so that I could get a feel for the excitement around the new Victory bikes and to admire the inventory on their showroom floors. The bike ran smooth and cool. It handled really well even as I rode half the trip through heavy rain, thunder and lightning. I will never forget that ride. It is important for me to say though, that no matter where you’re riding your bike, and how perfect you may think the bike is, you need to have a local specialist lawyer in mind in case an accident happens, like this motorcycle lawyer in Austin.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

On my way to Sturgis75. Devils Tower, Wyoming. 2015 Victory Magnum. Click image to read my blog post on this great ride.

The world of big money and big company decisions.

Polaris Industries (NYSE: PII) is a giant powersports company. The company had a market cap of $5.8 billion at November 2016. For perspective and comparison, competitor Harley-Davidson (NYSE: HOG) has a market cap of $10.6 billion. Other competitors of note are Thor Industries (NYSE: THO) which had a market cap of $4.3 billion and Brunswick Industries (NYSE: BC) also around $4.3 billion in 2016.

In 2015, the recreational vehicles segment accounted for a whopping 78.6% of total company sales according to information available from Polaris Investor Relations. Motorcycles generated only 14.8% of total sales. Looking at motorcycle sales over the past several years, you’ll want to note the following:

2012 = $195,789,000 or 6.1% of total company sales of $3.2 billion came from motorcycles

2015 = $698,257,000 or 14.8% of total sales of $4.7 billion originated from motorcycles. Estimates are that the Victory brand accounted for $114 million or only 20.2% of all motorcycle sales at Polaris in 2015.

Looking back, one can summize that the arrival of the iconic Indian motorcycle brand at Polaris in 2011 was the beginning of the end for Victory motorcycles.

According to published financial reports and insiders in my network, sales and profits from the motorcycle segment increased over the past several years primarily due to aggressive marketing, dealership promotion and company leadership enthusiasm for Indian Motorcycles and Polaris’s new 3-wheeled moto-roadster, the Slingshot.

The Victory brand…Well, retail sales were down a whopping 15% in the fourth quarter of 2015 due to “continued low product availability” and since the arrival of the Indian Motorcycle brand in 2011, there was a real loss of enthusiasm within company leadership to aggressively market and sell the Victory brand, according to my sources. Combine this with the fact that the Victory brand lost money in three of the past five years, according to published reports, and you have a formula for failure. It makes you wonder how much would these motorcycles go for on a site like We Want Your Motorbike if you wanted to sell it.

Media reporting around the industry indicated that Victory Motorcycles accounted for only 3% of the company’s total sales in 2015. ($141 million or viewed another way, Victory accounted for 20.2% of Polaris’s total motorcycle sales in 2015.)

Imagine if Polaris had applied the same marketing strategy and distribution excitement towards selling the Victory story during the first 10 years of the brand’s existence…as it has during the past four years on the promotion of Indian and the Slingshot brands?

This is where I believe the company lost its way with Victory…in the marketing, sales and distribution of the Victory brand going all the way back to 2008 when the company introduced its new motor, the Freedom 106.

From cruiser to tourer, every Victory model was outfitted with the powerhouse, industry-leading Freedom 106ci motor in 2013. The brand was ripe for great marketing and a new distribution strategy to accelerate its sales from all I could tell at the time. I got so excited myself that I bought a new Victory High-Ball in early 2014 just for fun.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

My 2014 Victory High-Ball…total head turner. Full of fun torque.

By the end of 2014, reports show that Indian had an estimated 140 dealers in the U.S. and 70 dealers internationally. Globally, Polaris had over 600 Victory Dealers…think about this for a moment. Over 600 established Victory Dealers supposedly selling the Victory brand but sales lagged and did not meet expectations?

While attractive Indian-branded dealerships sprouted up across the U.S. and internationally from 2013 and continues to this day, Victory bikes were lucky to get front door positioning in Polaris’s powersports focused dealerships. Some new Indian dealers also sold Victory bikes but the bikes got mostly back of the showroom floor status from all I saw visiting numerous dealerships across the country. For some reason, the impressive marketing and selling blitz focused on the Indian and Slingshot brands was nowhere to be seen for Victory. I began to wonder back in 2013 why Polaris had decided to not to fully champion the brand.

The key leadership player – Steve Menneto, President of Victory and Indian Motorcycle brands.

If you believe that Polaris had the financial means, engineering prowess and talented executives like Steve Menneto running the motorcycle segment, you got to wonder about the real reasons why the Victory brand got de-prioritized over the past several years?

Steven D. Menneto, has been the President of Motorcycles at Polaris Industries Inc. and around the Victory Motorcycle brand in numerous leadership capacities since 2009 according to his LinkedIn profile.

According to Bloomberg, he gained valuable experience in various other key roles at Polaris; Director of Dealer & Retail Development, Director of Consumer Sales, Regional Sales and he even dabbled in a Dealer Development Quality intitiative. He also gained significant hands on dealership experience during his three-year tenure managing a powersports dealership. Fellow blogger extra-ordinaire, Cyril Huze, interviewed Steve Menneto back in March 2014. Steve’s commitment to Victory at the time seemed positive and even optimistic. Click here to read the full interview on Cyril Huze Blog.

So, given all of Steve Menneto’s leadership experience with the Victory brand, why was the Victory brand not promoted as an individual, viable, strong motorcycle brand like the Indian brand? Why was Victory allowed to get lost and relegated to the rear of many of Polaris dealer’s showroom floors?

Back in a 2012 interview with About Bikes Magazine, Steve Menneto had a strategy and a plan for growing the Victory brand profitably. What happen to the execution of that plan?

I am hoping to interview Steve Menneto in the near future about the reasons behind the killing of the Victory brand. We Victory fans want to know so I will report to you all when Steve and I connect.

Take note blog fans: Polaris will release its fourth quarter and full-year 2016 financial results and provide 2017 guidance on Tuesday, January 24, 2017.

My expectation is that the topic of the Victory brand kill (official announcement here) and its impact on the Polaris brand as a viable motorcycle manufacturer long term will be a hot topic for the Polaris executives in attendance.

Webcast and conference call will be held at 9:00 a.m. Central Time to discuss results. A slide presentation and link to the webcast will be posted on the Polaris Investor Relations website at ir.polaris.com. To listen to the conference call by phone, dial 877-706-7543 in the U.S. and Canada, or 478-219-0273 Internationally. The Conference ID is #45015597. This is one corporate conference communication you don’t want to miss if you care about the future of American made motorcycles.

My bottom line…

I love motorcycles but I really love the American brands of Harley-Davidson, Indian and Victory. I’ve owned all three brands, among others, at one time or another over the past 45 years.

The bottom line is that Polaris Industries is a powersports powerhouse with a powersports-trained distribution system (dealerships). Motorcycles and other hybrid on-road vehicles make up less than 20% of their total revenues. The Victory Motorcycle brand, in my opinion, got lost in dealership showroom clutter and when pinned against lower priced foreign motorcycle brands, it never had a chance.

Why Polaris leaders did not market the Victory brand separately as it is doing so effectively today with the Indian Motorcycle brand we may never know?

I do believe that the Indian brand will benefit from having its step-child Victory model out of its corporate way as long as it continues to be marketed with its own branded, Indian products and services story. For how long, who knows given the demographics buying Indian motorcycles? Me, I own a 2014 Indian Chieftain today with 40,000 miles on it and I love it. Great bagger I do admit.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

On the road to Monument Valley, Utah with my 2014 Indian Chieftain.

As for the 3-wheeler, quasi-roadster, registered as a “motorcycle” Slingshot, it too is being promoted through existing Polaris dealership showrooms and parking lots…tucked away amongst the 4×4 ATVs. Some are even getting good front door placements. All the best to Polaris’s marketing pros as they continue to position this innovative vehicle in the marketplace. Click on this Slingshot link to read my original roadtest blog post.

My bottom line…Victory Motorcycles were well-engineered, sleek good lookers and even attractively priced but they simply could not compete hidden amongst the powersports Side x Side 4-wheelers, ATVs, lower priced foreign motorcycle brands and walls and walls of motocross boots, helmets, duffel bags…etc. Add to this that Victory inspired logo wear and accessories were limited until only a few years ago and the brand was clearly handicapped from a marketing point of view.

Furthermore, except for my many positive visits to the Ness Dealership in NorCal over the years, I never did feel dealer passion for Victory Motorcycles from any of the dozens of Polaris dealers I have visited over the years.

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Customized cool, right out of the factory. 21-inch front wheel. That’s the Victory Magnum model. Click image for more info.

Talk about a missed opportunity for Polaris to fully develop an excellent motorcycle brand in Victory and to prove to Harley-Davidson that they will be a tough competitor for decades to come. Talk about bad news for us motorcycle riders from a price and product standpoint…Less competition, higher prices.

RIP Victory Motorcycles…you will be missed by this motorcycle enthusiast.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Me and the Magnum – 2015.

About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a motoblogger. Some say a key motorcycle industry influencer. I prefer to ride motorcycles but when I can’t ride, I blog about it. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong loyal following of thousands of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world. #RideSafeOutThere – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)

About Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII). Polaris Industries is a global powersports leader with annual 2015 sales of $4.7 billion. Polaris fuels the passion of riders, workers and outdoor enthusiasts with some of the world’s leading recreational vehicle brands; RANGER®, RZR® and POLARIS GENERALâ„¢ side-by-side off-road vehicles; the SPORTSMAN® and POLARIS ACE® all-terrain off-road vehicles; INDIAN MOTORCYCLE® midsize and heavyweight motorcycles; SLINGSHOT® moto-roadsters; and Polaris RMK®, INDY®, SWITCHBACK® and RUSH® snowmobiles. Go to www.polaris.com for more information.

About Arlen Ness Enterprises – Arlen Ness Motorcycles is the motorcycle dealership associated with Arlen Ness Enterprises. They have one of the best reputations anywhere for personal customer service and standing by their wide variety of products. The dealership will continue to service your Victory bikes so there’s no need to worry about that. As you can imagine, given the elimination of the Victory brand by Polaris, all Victory brands at Arlen Ness Motorcycles are on clearance with limited inventory available. Once they are gone off the showroom floor that’s it. Best to get to the dealership asap!

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Some of the material for this blog was gathered from numerous articles and websites available in the public domain. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of their Manufacturer/Owners. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.

Big Twin Milwaukee-Eight Engines…Harley-Davidson Scores!


BIG NEW HD MOTOR…The all new, big displacement motor from Harley-Davidson is impressive I tell yas. Here’s my take on the Milwaukee Eight motor.


The Milwaukee-Eight engines power the 2017 model year Touring and Trike motorcycles.

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Source: HDmedia 107ci Engine. No Air Cleaner View. Milwaukee-Eight.

The motor’s styling is sleek, modern and continues to show off that classic Harley-Davidson V-Twin power look that many of us have grown to appreciate and even love over the years.

Every part of these motors is new. Yes, a clean-sheet design from the talented engineers and designers at the Motor Company. According to Harley-Davidson, they are the most powerful, coolest-running motors they have ever built and come with crisper throttle response and a truer, cleaner rumble-sound.


Massive rocker covers, big cylinder fins.

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Source: HDmedia – 107ci Engine. Milwaukee-Eight. Note fins & rocker covers.

As you can see in the photo on the right, the rocker covers and cylinder air fins are massive. With 4-valves per cylinder, there’s a lot of action going on under those engine tops but word is that engine noise is reduced compared to the Twin Cam.

The new Milwaukee-Eight motor is quieter, yet still provides a rich, quasi-loud exhaust tone. There’s no mistaking the traditional Harley-rumble from this powerplant.

The all new Milwaukee-Eight 107 and Milwaukee-Eight 114 engines are all Harley-Davidson.


These Milwaukee-Eight V-twin motors are about power.

According to Harley-Davidson’s press releases, each new Milwaukee-Eight engine produces 10% more torque than the Twin Cam engine it replaced.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Source: HDmedia – 2017 Harley-Davidson Road Glide Special with new Milwaukee-Eight Motor.


The Milwaukee-Eight has quicker acceleration.

The Motor Company spec information indicates that the 107ci accelerates 11% quicker 0-60 mph and 11% quicker from 60-80 mph in top gear…significant improvement compared to the Twin Cam 103ci.

The 114ci motor accelerates 8% quicker 0-60 mph and 12% quicker 60-80 mph…significantly faster than the Twin Cam 110ci it replaces.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Source: HDmedia – 2017 Street Glide with Milwaukee-Eight


The Milwaukee-Eight has Reduced Vibration

These new engines are rubber mounted so some vibration will be always be noticeable but, the engineers at Harley-Davidson use an internal counter balancer that now cancels 75% of primary vibration at idle. The feel, while still classic Harley-Davidson, is more refined and more comfortable.


The Milwaukee-Eight motor is offered in two displacements and three variations:

107ci Displacement – Oil-Cooled - (1750cc, 92.5hp) featuring precision oil-cooled cylinder heads for the Street Glide®/Street Glide® Special, Road Glide®/Road Glide Special®, Electra Glide® Ultra Classic®, Road King® and Freewheeler® models.

107ci Displacement – Liquid-Cooled – (1750cc, 92.5hp) featuring liquid-cooled cylinder heads for the Ultra Limited/Ultra Limited Low, Road Glide® Ultra and Tri Glide® Ultra models. The liquid-cooled engines are branded by Harley-Davidson as “Twin-Cooled”.

114ci Displacement – Liquid-Cooled - (1870cc, 100.6hp) featuring liquid-cooled cylinder heads for the CVOâ„¢ Limited and CVOâ„¢ Street Glide®  models. Also branded as a “Twin-Cooled” Milwaukee-Eight.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Source: HDmedia – 107 Engine. Milwaukee-Eight Primary.

My Bottom Line…

From all I’ve seen and read since the unveiling on August 23, 2016, the power characteristics of the classic Harley-Davidson engine culture remain…strong low-end torque, broad and flat curve through the mid-range that is ideal for the Touring rider.

To experience the Milwaukee-Eight power of the 2017 Harley-Davidson models for yourself, go to www.h-d.com/demos and schedule the test ride of your life.

Check out the roadtest report I did on the 2017 Street Glide Special…powered by the 107ci Milwaukee Eight.


Ride Safe Out There.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Motorcycle Marc










* Notes obtained from official Harley-Davidson Press Releases provided to the U.S. Media on 2017 Model Launch Day, Tuesday, August 23, 2016.


About Harley-Davidson Motor Company – Since 1903, the Harley-Davidson Motor Company has fulfilled dreams of personal freedom with cruiser, touring and custom motorcycles, riding experiences and events, and a complete line of Harley-Davidson motorcycle parts, accessories, general merchandise, riding gear and apparel. For more information, visit www.h-d.com.


About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a motoblogger. I prefer to ride motorcycles but when I can’t ride, I blog about it. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, dedicated following of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything there is about motorcycles. #RideSafeOutThere – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)


Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Manufacturer Names, Logos, Photos/Images, Websites and Model Information are Registered Trademarks of the Manufacturer. Also, note that specifications and any information in this blog is subject to change without notice. No representation of accuracy is made.


The American Wall of Death Thrill Show


Hell Riders, Motor Maniacs, Thrills, Chills and Spills…This is one heck of a carnival-style biker ride!

Imagine if you will…trick riding around the country riding in a wooden silo drome, 30-feet wide, back in the early 1900s.

My research indicates that the very first Wall of Death style riders appeared in the 1911 Coney Island Carnival. The first mention of the name, “Wall of Death”, appeared in the local press around Buffalo, New York in 1915. These barrel-shaped wooden cylinders were also call “silodromes” or “motordromes”.

They averaged 30 feet in diameter and were all made of wooden planks where brave and talented motorcycle riders rode motorcycles up and down vertical wooden-board walls. The riders performed stunts while riding bravely using centrifugal force to their advantage.

The Wall of Death motordrome shows…fun!

I rode in to see the southern California Thrill Show in El Cajon, California on Saturday, September 17th. Hosted by the Motoworld & IndianVictory Dealerships, the show featured the daredevil riders of the American Wall of Death, numerous vendors and a good local rock & roll band…all in support of our Veterans and the USO.

The Team of Professional Riders.

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The Wall of Death Riders…L to R – Travelin’ Hobo Bill, Reckless Rita and Daredevil Charley Ransom.


The motorcycle of choice for these brave daredevil riders.

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1930s Era Indian Scout…great little motorbike in the day.


Round and Round They Go!

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Motordromes are made of wooden planks, inside which riders and/or drivers of go-carts, travel up and down the vertical wall at thrilling high speeds and perform hair-raising stunts. It is truly a sight to see. Riders are held in place by centrigugal force but man, you can easily imagine them miscalculating a turn and flying off into the audience or coming down crashing to the plank floor below.

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Charley Ransom…This guy rules the wooden silo…total riding pro! Click image for his Facebook Page.


Living his passion…Thrill Ride Owner, Jay Lightnin’

Motordromes were popular in the traveling Circus Shows and Carnivals between 1910 and 1950. It is so interesting to me to have these old style entertainment shows being kept alive by passionate motorcycle enthusiasts like Jay Lightnin’.

Here we are, 100 years later and a new generation of techies can see and feel what real, live and thrilling excitement was really like back in the day.

Old-style classic motorcycles are still the ride of choice for these trick riders. Jay has an amazing collection of vintage rides that he exhibits in his shows.

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The Wall of Death carnival attraction was very popular in the outdoor entertainment industry with the phenomenon reaching its peak in the 1930s and 1940s. According to Wikipedia, there were over 100 motordromes on traveling shows and in amusement parks during the period.

Thank you for what you do keeping the Wall of Death Show going Jay.

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My Bottom Line…

The Wall of Death Riders…they got balls! Yes, the girl riders too…guts of bravery to spare as they navigate the wooden planks in a whirl of speed doing all they can to defy sure injury and death.


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The USO organization does great work for our Veterans.The organization provides programs, entertainment and services at more than 180 USO locations worldwide, including Afghanistan, Djibouti, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Italy, Japan, Iraq, South Korea and the United States. I want to thank the USO for all they do for our Veterans and their families.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.If you get the chance, make sure to see the Wall of Death riders in action. They do between 18 and 25 shows annually so note when they come to a town near you. Click the following link to contact Southern California’s Thrill Riders…they perform all over the USA.


I also want to thank the owners and employees of the Indian, Victory and Motoworld Motorcycle Dealerships in El Cajon, CA for hosting this event for the benefit of our Military Heroes. Good job!




Ride Safe Out There.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Ndn Dave Frey and Me at the USO Benefit. Dave and his Veterans Charity had a vendor’s booth at the show.















Note: Copyrights & Trademarks: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement is ever intended.  If you see something you don’t like or feel that we have used your copyrighted or trademarked material inappropriately, let me know asap and I will immediately correct attribution or remove your material. Please contact me via the “contact me†navigation bar. Thank you.

RoadTest: The 2016 Indian Roadmaster.


Is this the new Cadillac of touring motorcycles, the 2016 Indian Roadmaster?

Here’s my take on this luxury touring dresser. It’s basically the same ride as the 2015 model I tested back in December of 2014…here’s a repost for your consideration as you decide whether or not to spend your hard-earned cash on this motorcycle.


My 2-cents right up front. This is one superb, big time bagger.

It’s also one of the sleekest and sexiest full-dressers on the touring market in my humble opinion. An absolute beauty of a bike.

The Roadmaster is Indian’s answer to current market dominator, Harley-Davidson’s best touring machine, the Ultra Glide Limited. And a big answer they came up with. Just look at the beautiful lines and styling of the Roadmaster in the image below.

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2015 Indian Roadmaster. Photo: Indian Motorcycle Inc.


This is a big motorcycle…near 900 pounds dry weight.

Add a passenger and full cargo and you could be man-handling 1,400 pounds on 2-wheels. But don’t worry. You’ll get plenty of help from the solid/rigid cast aluminum frame. Regardless of payload, the Roadmaster rides smooth and solid over all types of road conditions from what I could tell. Not even San Diego’s pot holes were a match for this big boy of a bagger.

Frame and Suspension…provide real stability and handling confidence.

The frame and suspension felt perfectly in sync. The front telescopic forks provide 4.7 inches of travel and are appropriately stiff to my liking. The rear suspension is controlled by a single shock which offers 4.5 inches of travel. This rear shock is adjustable to your total payload. For me, the Roadmaster’s ride is near perfect. Small road bumps were barely noticeable whether straight up or leaning. The bike simply handles with grace.

Enough storage capacity for any road trip.

This Roadmaster comes with serious storage capacity…almost 38 gallons of weatherproof storage according to Indian’s specs. You can easily fit two full face helmets in the trunk. The hardbags and trunk are secured by quality locks. The keyless remote for the locks is a nice convenience feature.

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Ultimate in seat luxury. Desert tan, genuine leather with heat control! Photo: Indian Motorcycle Inc.

The Seat: “Spectacular”.

The genuine tan leather is simply luxurious. Nicely padded, stitch design is immaculate. The seats offer superior support.

The Roadmaster seats, both rider and passenger, are heated and come standard with individual controls of high and low settings.

The aftermarket will be hard pressed to do better than this original manufacturer’s stock seat when it comes to the baseplate, foam and leather covering. It is pure quality.

What more can I say? The seats are darn right plush. Best motorcycle touring seat I’ve ever sat on and ridden.  It’s an absolute butt pleaser.


The Cockpit…vintage cool.

The Cockpit offers some impressive luxuries. Roadmaster’s power adjusted windshield provides good air flow options for the rider to customize airflow, add to weather protection and even to reduce glare.

Keyless ignition comes with remote locking feature for hassle-free operation and security of a tamper proof ignition.

The sound system, at 200 watts, is amazing. It comes standard with AM, FM, WB, AUX and Bluetooth so that you can connect your iPod/MP3 player. Fairing and trunk speakers are top notch.

Standard options include a tire pressure monitoring system, state-of-the-art cruise control, and more. Click here for a complete listing of the manufacturer’s offering from the cockpit’s electronic gauge.

Sorry, no factory navigation available on the Roadmaster. More on this later in this post.


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The Roadmaster’s Cockpit looks vintage cool. Front-end upper and lower fairings do a an excellent job windbreaking and protecting the rider. Photo: Indian Motorcycle Inc.


The Thunder Stroke 111.

Look it! As we serious riders all know, engine power matters. Torque counts!

WOW is all I can say about the Thunder Stroke motor. In fact, let me say double WOW to this engine.

It’s a modernized 49-degree 1811cc V-Twin displacing 111 cubic inches and it unleashes impressive torque power…119 ft.pds of it according to the tech pros at Indian Motorcycles.

The power spreads over the torque curve regardless of RPM level and regardless of which gear you are in it seems. I just love the smooth acceleration and power that comes out of this motor.

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1811cc Thunder Stroke 111… Awesome powerplant. Click image to view video on this impressive motor. Photo: MJB. Video: Indian Motorcycle Inc.


The Thunderstroke 111 differentiates itself favorably from Harley’s Ultra Glides which tend to come with 103.1 cubic inches at an estimated 1690cc.

Note: ** I could not find anyone, anywhere, anyhow who would talk to me about the Thunder Stroke’s actual horsepower.

So, let me offer my semi-educated, mechanic gearhead, humble opinion based on my 30+ years around motorcycle engines…I estimate this 1811cc motor is putting out around 90 hp. If you are a SuperFlow or Dynojet Pro, or have insider knowledge from the Indian Motorcycle Company, please let me and my blog fans know about the actual horsepower of the Thunder Stroke 111. Simply post your information in the comments section at the end of this post. “Horsepower” — We gearheads wanna know.

Update: See Comments Section below for horsepower update info sent in from one of my blog’s followers.


           The Indian Roadmaster is a stylish and beautiful Dresser.

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2015 Indian Roadmaster. Click image for manufacturers specs.


Roadmaster designers…you lost me at “No GPS”. 

Got to admit…I did not expect that the Roadmaster, the newest Cadillac of Dressers, the want-to-be “Master of the Road”, would actually omit a basic factory navigation system from its list of exceptional offerings. How can that be I ask the Indian Motor Company?

That’s right folks. The Roadmaster does not come with GPS? Personally, as an experienced long distance rider, I find this to be a major design oversight and suggest this be addressed for the 2016 – 2017 models.


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Yes, it’s true. No factory navigation system on the 2015 Indian Roadmaster. No GPS on a modern day full-dresser?


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GPS navigation system should be is a standard part of the long-distance rider’s cockpit. See Harley-Davidson’s Ultra Glide Limited for example. Photo: Harley-Davidson.com


The Bottom Line.

The 2015 Indian Roadmaster is beautiful machine, a great handling full-dresser. The bike offers a spectacular and comfortable ride, plenty of engine power from every gear and is a clear winner in the design and attention to detail category. Add a state-of-the-art navigation system in 2016 and this big bagger could become the real deal…the true “Master of the Road”.

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The Indian Roadmaster… Master of the Roadtrip…Big Boy Bagger for sure. A spectacular entre into the full-dresser market niche. Good job Polaris & Indian Team. Good job indeed! Photo: Indian Motorcycle Inc.


Ride Safe Out There.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Ride Safe Out There – MotorcycleMarc














Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. See footer of this blog/website for more information.



Military, Police & Firefighters…Get your motorcycle discount!


Military, Police and Firefighters…Get a $1,000 “heroes” discount when you buy a new motorcycle from participating dealers.

Victory & Indian Motorcycles are champions of America’s freedom keepers and to show their appreciation, they want you to know about this $1,000 offer. $1,000 off MSRP!

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Image: Polaris Industries, Inc.

If you are Military, Police or a Firefighter, you will get a thousand dollars off the retail (MSRP) price on your new motorcycle. But you better hurry…this offer may end at anytime so contact your dealership to double check!


Honor and Service Matters…thank you! Thank you very much. 


To any brave soul who has served in the Military, Police, or Fire Department, the Victory Motorcycle Company is honored to offer $1,000 off any muscle-bound Victory bike.

Or, should you prefer the classic and nostalgic Indian Motorcycle brand, you can select an Indian motorcycle and take $1,000 off the MSRP…yes, Indian and Victory Motorcycles thanks you and this is one of the ways they want to show their appreciation for your service.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Image Source: Polaris Industries, Inc.


Get your documents together and head on down to your dealership…

Proof of valid Military, Police or Firefighter ID is required so bring it to the your dealership.


Go for it!…save yourself a thousand dollars!

Click here to find a Victory Dealer near you or here to find an Indian Motorcycle Dealership.

Ride One And You’ll Own One…I did. 

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Thank you for your service and ride safe out there. – Motorcycle Marc















Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Manufacturer (OEM) terms and conditions apply. Dealership participation subject to contract terms with OEM. Victory and Victory Motorcycles, Indian and Indian Motorcycles are registered trademarks of Polaris Industries Inc. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing. Obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. #RideSafeOutThere

Want Flare? Go Klock Werks Windshield.


Wind Tunnel Tested…Rider Approved. My review of the Klock Werks Flare Windshield. 

Shortly after I bought my Indian Chieftain, I was contacted by one named #BrianTheBobbleHead.

Brian Klock inquired to see if I would be interested in putting the patented Klock Werks Flare Windshield to the test and possibly joining thousands of riders all over the world who have become “bobble head” free.

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My quest for “bobble head” freedom. Here’s my story…

The vast majority of traditional motorcycle windshields are all function and have little to no coolness about them. They tend to be high, rounded window panes. Yes, they redirect wind but look quite ugly doing it. Some models actually come with a blurred vision option.


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TYPICAL LOOK OF A STOCK WINDSHIELD…Rounded, window pane styling. Some, even obscure vision.


The basic logic behind the Flare’s design.

Based on my experience over the past one thousand miles on my Chieftain and 2,200 miles sporting The Flare on my Victory Magnum Ride to Sturgis, I can tell you that the Flare windshield design has both great looks and function…it really does keep wind and rain spray away from your head preventing that buffeting (“bobble head”) sensation. Here’s how it works.


The “flip” at the top of the Flare Windshield, literally kicks up the air driving it back over you in a clean, less turbulent wind flow.

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The “hips” at the outer edge of the shield help to re-route air and appear to add some downforce to the front of the motorcycle which helps to improve stability.

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Easy installation.

The Flare Windshield installs easily using stock mounting hardware and maintains stock windshield height adjustability. The Flare is available in two heights with tint, dark smoke and black color options. Short windshields have a height of 10″ and the tall option is 12″. Click here to see how the Flare Windshield sits on a Victory Magnum.


Try it before your buy it. Yes, its true! Klock Werks sponsors a “Try It Before You Buy It” Program…

Many motorcycle dealers offering the Klock Werks Flare Windshield are participating in a “try it to make sure you like it” program. Click here to see if your favorite dealerships is participating in this customer-friendly program .


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Click on BobbleHead Brian for a video on head-bobbin” relief. Pic: Sturgis 2015.

Here’s my Bottom Line folks…#EliminateBobbleHead.

Brian and Laura Klock run one of the best motorcycle-related enterprises in the business. I’m a fan of their products and the Klock Werks Team.

Its go Flare Windshield I say when you want touring comfort and to add custom styling to your bagger. The Flare not only looks great, it performs even better than I had originally expected from a low cut windshield.

Plus, their products are made in the USA.

Ride Safe Out There.— MotorcycleMarc



Shop online to get your Flare.

“From all I’ve seen and heard from fellow riders, they too like the Flare Windshield from Klock Werks. They all say that it looks good and offers superior wind management function regardless of the bagger they ride…Harley-Davidson, Honda Goldwings, F6Bs, Yamaha Stratoliner, Victory Cross Country and Magnums and Kawasaki Vaquero/Voyagers.”— Motorcycle Marc



Note: I don’t accept financial consideration for product reviews but gladly accept keeping the products reviewed for my personal use or having the products donated to a charity in my name. Reviews are my own opinions. There’s no influence or funny stuff. I either like the product or I don’t. Use products reviewed at your own risk. Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. See footer of this blog/website for more information. #RideSafeOutThere