Ross “Kiwi” Tomas (20) Rides To Heaven. Motorcycle Funeral Plans & Memorial.

Death sucks! There I said it…and I mean it.

I cannot think of anything worse than the sudden death of a child. It’s just not the natural order of things but damn, it happens in this big complicated world of ours and it always hurts like hell.

No one suffers the agony and sadness more than the parents. Losing a child has got to be the most devastating loss of all. For parents, life is changed forever. But it’s not over. There are ways you can keep their memory alive such as through teak memorial benches as a wonderful tribute to them. Although it can seem like the light has gone out, it won’t be that way forever. Let me tell you about Ross “Kiwi” Tomas.

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Kiwi Ross loved Bonneville.

Young Ross was the only son of motorcycle industry icons, Kiwi Mike and Kiwi Mom Carolyn Tomas, Owners of Kiwi Indian Motorcycles in Riverside, California.

I have had the privilege of meeting these good people over the years during my Bonneville Speed Week adventures…Good people all around I tell yas. Really good people.

Their son, Ross, was a chip off the ‘ol man’s mechanical genius block combined with a touch of Carolyn’s big heart and loving spirit. A great kid. A young man with unlimited potential and a truly great future in the motorcycle business. Ross loved the Salt and he was a developing Salt Flats Speedster. A great future awaited his talent at Bonneville.

Click here for a few pics of the 2009 Father and Son Team of Mike and Ross Tomas. They had a blast with Guy Mobbley’s Bonneville Wrecking Crew Team.

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Kiwi Ross Tomas – Set a 2009 Bonneville Speed Record.

A Bonneville Speedster in the making.

Kiwi Ross set a record at Bonneville Salt Flats that year as the world’s youngest Indian rider in 2009…we’re talking speedster talent.

Kiwi Ross, as a member of the Kiwi Indian Racing Team, rode a Vintage Indian Bobber with the Klock Werks Racing Team to set a record of 98.035 mph in the M-VF 1650 class. He had a personal best of 98.443! Click here for Ross’s place in the famed Kiwi timeline.

Sadly, 20 year-old Ross was killed in a motorcycle accident close to the family home in Riverside, California on Tuesday, July 22, 2014. Sad day. Really sad day it was.

Unfortunately, motorcycle deaths and accidents have become much more common nowadays. Whether it’s down to weather conditions or reckless driving, there seems to be more demand for a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in recent times. Hopefully, something will be put in place to prevent any more tragic accidents and deaths like Kiwi Ross’.

“Everyone is extremely sad around here, Kiwi’s teary-eyed Office Pro, Angie Proffer, whispered on the phone when I called her to see if there was anything we could do for the family.

Chatting with Angie today, I could feel her pain. We both have young adult boys in our families and both became numb talking about ever losing one of them. Man oh man, my heart goes out to Kiwi Mike and Carolyn…From my family to yours — So sorry for your loss!

Motorcycle Funeral – it’s what young Kiwi Ross wanted.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.A Motorcycle Funeral and Public Memorial will be held on Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Please meet at Iglesia Palabra, 4183 Fairground Street., Riverside, California at 9:00 am. You will note that this is Kiwi’s previous business location. Click on the address link above and note photo of the building and church sign for reference.

A graveside service will follow at the Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery, 4414 – 14th Street, RIverside, California at 11:00 am.

The plan is for the motorcycle funeral procession to ride from the church through Fairmount Park and over to the Evergreen Cemetary where young Kiwi Ross will be laid to rest. Funerals are always tough occasions for all those close to the departed which is why the service is best handled by those with experience in burials and cremations, like Tuell-McKee Funeral & Cremation Services, to ensure that your loved one is sent off properly.

Dress Code Note:

In honor of Kiwi Ross, dress will be T-shirt and jeans and if you can, please ride your motorcycle in the funeral procession.

Contributions: In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be sent in Kiwi Ross’s name to the:

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame
P.O. Box 602
Sturgis, SD 57785
re: Kiwi Ross Tomas Memorial Contributions

Hey, there are no words to describe the pain of losing a child so I won’t even try.

No matter how one looks at it, surviving the death of a child will hurt and it will hurt bad, no matter how tough you think you might be. The Tomas family needs plenty of time to grieve and giving them privacy during this time is really important. Kiwi Mike and Kiwi Mom Carolyn, if they can, will be heading out to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally after the funeral…it will surely be 1,300 miles of both tears of sadness and tears of joy as they remember the good man that their son was.

They are planning to be in Sturgis for the unveiling of Kiwi Mike’s “Vintage Round The World Bike Tour” on Sunday, August 3, 2014. This event will be held at the Cross Roads area of the Buffalo Chip.

You can follow Kiwi Mike’s Round The World adventure, along with Greg, his enthusiastic Vintage Indian riding Wingman, on Facebook and on Instagram.

Also, there will be a Kiwi Ross Memorial Ride on Saturday, August 16, 2014 in the Twin Cities, MN. Note your calendars. More information to follow.

God Bless Kiwi Mike and Kiwi Mom Carolyn. Our prayers will follow them down the highway as they head out to Sturgis, South Dakota. Perhaps the mayhem of what is the world’s most spectacular motorcycle rally is exactly what they need to get through this difficult time.

Ride the highway to the heavens Kiwi Ross. You will surely be missed.

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Kiwi Ross, Mom Carolyn & Dad Kiwi Mike. Bonneville.

Ride Safe Out There.

Motorcycle Marc

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God Bless You Kiwi Ross. RIP.

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. See footer of this website/blog for more information. Music used with permission from recording artist. A big thank you to Kiwi Cash Counter & Chaos Coordinator, Angie Proffer, for images and assistance in the writing of this difficult blog post. You may contact Angie anytime for more information on anything to do with Kiwi Indian Motorcycles via email: [email protected] .

Jeff Senour’s Freedom Rock Experience – Where young people become Rock Stars!

Motorcycle enthusiast, airline captain and world-class musician Jeff Senour, is on a mission. I want to tell you about it… but first, let’s get perspective on the challenges facing America’s young people today.

One doesn’t have to look far to see why so many of America’s youth are in crisis. Too many teenagers are stuck with crappy role models and 30% don’t even make it through high school according to the latest 2013 Gallup Hope Report. Then, there’s drug and alcohol abuse and all the tragic antisocial and crime-related consequences surrounding this issue for our young folks. Read the latest report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse on Drug Facts of America’s Youth for the sad details.

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Excellent source of information on the behaviors, attitudes, and values of America’s Teens & Young Adults. Source: University of Michigan

Today’s youth it seems, are even coming under siege from the technology they so love and have grown up with. Eleven (11) teens die everyday from auto accidents caused by their texting and driving. Yes, as insane as this statistic appears, it’s true. Distraction-based vehicle accidents cause nearly a dozen teens to die every day in the U.S.A. This number is even higher for motorcyclists whether adults or teens. Around 93% of motorcycle accidents prove fatal in the United States alone, with the reasons for such traffic accidents ranging from drunk driving to distracted driving. Each state has its own statistics for traffic accidents for motorcyclists, for example, las vegas motorcycle accidents statistics state that there were significantly fewer accidents the previous year, but also estimates that motorcyclists are 27x times more likely to fatally injured in an accident.

Then, there’s traffic accident stats in general…DEADLY TOLL on teens! Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among 15 to 19 year olds…this is unbelievable right? Sadly, it’s true. Accidents seem to happen left, right and centre and the sad truth is that they can literally happen anytime and anywhere. Those injured should consider getting legal assistance following their incident from someone like this personal injury lawyer in houston.

Growing up just doesn’t seem all that easy in America…the world’s richest country. Negative role models seem to be everywhere. Teenagers imitate the actions and look of characters on TV, in video games and in movie theaters. They even learn to lie by watching our so-called leaders in Washington, DC. Today’s media machine is no longer promoting family values or even modeling pro-social behavior for our young people. None of us would be too far off base saying that it all appears nuts out there. It’s no wonder young people may not seem as inspired as earlier generations appeared to be. From all I see and hear, it’s darn right tough out there for America’s youth.

The good news is that there’s a lot of hope for America’s young people and that hope comes from good folks like Jeff Senour, his CTS Band and organizations like B.R.A.K.E.S.

“Young people want to be successful, says Jeff Senour, lead singer and band leader of the CTS Band. They want to help not only themselves, but others too. They want to chase opportunity but many aren’t receiving the type of inspiration that helps drive them forward in the direction of their dreams.”

“This is where me and my band come in. Teens love music. It inspires them to do and to be. It helps lift them up. It makes them feel good about themselves and about their lot in life…no matter how difficult their own circumstances might be.”

Jeff Senour and The CTS Rock Group.

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CLICK IMAGE FOR VIDEO – Hit Song – “Invisible”.

Consider The Source (CTS), is the name of Jeff’s band. An award-winning group of rock & rollers with a cause that goes way beyond just being rock stars touring the U.S. They’re hell bent on inspiring young people to dream big and be all that they can be in this great land of ours. It’s a tall order but they are doing it one High School and one College at a time. The band teams up with local schools and colleges all over the country to teach music, put on spectacular rock and roll stage shows and to raise money for school music programs.

CTS band members are all professional, world-class musicians. They are: Jeff Senour, Founder/Songwriter/Lead Vocals/Guitar, Tony Lugo, Lead Guitar/Vocals, Joe McGinnity, Drummer, and Jerry Nuzum, Bassman/Keyboards/Harmonica/Vocals. Click here for complete band bios.

CTS’s vehicle for helping to inspire America’s young people is the Freedom Rock Experience. It’s an amazing musical extravaganza that promotes living life to the fullest, achieving dreams and becoming champions of life. The Freedom Rock Experience is filled with songs designed to inspire our youth to go for it, become positive role models themselves and to become future leaders in their communities and country.

Click on the images throughout this post for a sample of how Jeff and the CTS Band use music to inspire high school kids. Hang on…we’re talking real rock and roll here. In fact, you might just want to get a cold refreshment and enjoy the music videos…CTS and the High School kids are that good.

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High School Fund Raising Like You’ve Never Seen

The Freedom Rock Experience is a multi-media rock and roll show full of big-time onstage energy. The music performance focus is around a storyline of inspiration and building confidence for being all one can be in life. “The kids just love it, says Jeff. It really gets them excited about being a part of a great performance in front of their friends, family and fans who attend the shows.”

CTS performs with high school orchestras around the country in an effort to inspire our youth and show them that with hard work, any dream is possible. Here’s how it works:

  • School books concert date(s) with CTS and the venue of their choice.
  • School receives original CTS scored music for band rehearsals including, marketing plan for the show.
  • CTS conducts a workshop on the day of the event for all students, faculty and musicians involved.
  • Post-show meet & greets includes photo ops, autographs, media interviews with participants.
  • Students are the Stars. Schools may record the show(s) for post-concert sales/fund raising.

CTS Band concert fees and professional coaching preparations for the high school bands/orchestras range from $2,500 to $5,000 per show. Fees can vary per concert dates, location, related travel expenses, and other cost considerations to be determined at the time of booking. In many cases, CTS and/or the school in question is able to obtain corporate and private sponsors to underwrite the cost of each show.

Consider bringing the Freedom Rock Experience to your high school or college soon.

The Doug Herbert’s B.R.A.K.E.S Connection….CTS Band teams up with the B.R.A.K.E.S. Organization.

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Helping Young Drivers Learn To Drive Under All Road Conditions.

Top Fuel NHRA racer, Doug Herbert, lost two sons in a car accident. The pain and sorrow he must of felt on that tragic day, I cannot even put into words. He now commits his life to save teen driver’s lives through his B.R.A.K.E.S Driving Schools…an organization he started in memory of his two boys.

The CTS band and Campo Verde High orchestra recently teamed up on a new song for B.R.A.K.E.S written by Jeff named, ” Hit and Run ” The song is about a car crash but the deeper meaning is about how we can all make the world a better place by treating each other with respect. The Golden Rule is tried and true and this song exemplifies that, says Jeff.’

Click here for Jeff’s & Doug’s video introducing their partnership and objectives for coming together.

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Put on the B.R.A.K.E.S…training young people about safe and responsible driving.

The song, Hit and Run, attempts to capture the meaning of safe driving. The CTS band is committed to working with Doug and his Team to promote safe driving through the B.R.A.K.E.S. driving schools, says Jeff.

Jeff told me that six time land speed record holder and a mutual friend, Valerie Thompson, was the inspiration behind the song.

The song is available on iTunes and all proceeds from all downloads go to Doug Herbert’s National Driving School Organization, B.R.A.K.E.S. We are proud to be associated with Doug’s organization and are pleased to donate all revenues from this hit song to B.R.A.K.E.S. says Jeff.

Well Friends… As you can see from this blog post, Jeff Senour, his band CTS and Doug Herbert’s B.R.A.K.E.S organization are bringing inspiration, hope and life-training skills to our young folks all over the country.

Jeff and CTS are on a mission to inspire our youth that with hard work, confidence and desire, any dream can come true.

B.R.A.K.E.S. is on a mission to develop safe drivers and save young lives on the byways and highways of America.

Every single one of these good folks…Jeff, members of the CTS band and Doug Herbert, are fueled by a passion for a better world…a world led by enthusiastic and positive-minded youth. I for one, love the work they do and support it 100%.

Ride Safe Out There.

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BUY JEFF SENOUR & CTS BAND MUSIC ON ITUNES. Proceeds from three of their songs, Quarter Mile, Snowball Express and You Won’t Be Forgotten, go directly to charity.

Motorcycle Marc

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Yup, it’s true. I actually thought I could be a rock star like Jeff Senour back in 1980. Oh well…it’s OK to dream folks!

P.S. We all know that young people are the future. Let’s give them a real headstart by supporting the Freedom Rock Experience movement. A movement focused on inspiring our youth to make their dreams a reality and to help make America the best that it can be. Thank you. MJB


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THE CTS BAND – INSPIRING THE YOUTH OF AMERICA. Click image for more information.

Want to sponsor a CTS Band Concert at your High School? Contact CTS Press Agent, Eric Studer, at (214)-676-3860 or via email at [email protected].

Teenagers at home? Want to know more about the issues facing America’s Youth? Click here to access the 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study on the topic of Youth Risk Behavior.

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Please see footer of this blog website for more information.

Life’s too short…not to live “your” life!


Have you ever taken a moment to watch how people float through their lives? Wondering, pondering and dreaming about who they really are or what they really should be doing with their time on this earth?


What I’ve noticed, is that many lives appear to be focused on what people do to make a living. For example, “I’m a doctor, a lawyer, accountant, a mechanic, a sales clerk.” Think about this. Why are identities so tied to one’s ability to make money? Maybe it’s just me but I seem to meet few people that are truly living their dreams and when I do, they are the most interesting and positive people ever.


Hey, life is short. Better get on with it.

What you need to know is that the average life expectancy worldwide is 71 years of age…68.5 years for males and 73.5 years for females according to the United Nations Population Prospects (2012). In the U.S., women live longer — 81 years on average. It’s 76 years for men before the bucket is kicked. Click here to find out life expectancy in your country.


It’s the things you don’t do that you’ll regret the most.

Hey, I get it. Money does matter. We all have to make a living but you gotta ask yourself sooner rather than later in life…What would you do or be if money was not an issue? How would you spend your days?

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Exploring the world on a motorcycle. That’s my thrill. What’s yours? Check out Compass Motorcycle Expeditions.

Fact is, I see too many people stuck in dead-end jobs and living life according to someone else’s view of life or even through what society expects of them.

Too many are simply in survival mode…they are not really alive…they only exist. So sad! The joy of an authentic life has been sucked right out of them.

So, if you feel like you are just surviving I suggest you sign up to Lori Deshene’s “Tiny Buddha blog…Simple wisdom for complex lives.” She’s got 50 ways for you to find inspiration and a great life…and then some. You could also…just buy a motorcycle and take off on a road trip — exploring the world.

It’s a big question, “What should I do with my life? Click here to review a summary of author, Po Bronson’s book , “The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question.”


Five Regrets People Have When Dying.

Writer and Blogger, Larry Schwimmer, wrote an interesting blog post back in October 2013 titled, “10 Words You Won’t Say…On Your Deathbed“. His take is that most people are too busy living their life to stop and imagine the regrets they might have when they are about to die. Schwimmer defined “regret” as something that you really wanted to occur in life but for whatever reason or excuse, it did not happen for you. Having fun and living a good life should be a priority for everyone. You can still have fun and be responsible. You should already have various insurance policies and you can even use a local solicitor to write your will. When you’re older, all you will want to think about is what you’ve achieved and what you’ll be able to leave for your family. The will-writing and insurances can cover nearly any cost your families may face and they’re easily implemented. The memories however are harder to create.

One of the best commentaries that I have read about this subject comes from an Australian nurse named Bronnie Ware, who counseled the dying in their last days of life. She wrote a book on the subject titled, “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying“.

Here’s what she said about the five most common regrets of those lying on their death beds.

1. I wish I had lived “my life”. Not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

3. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that had let myself be happier.


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Destination: Life. Are you on your life’s journey? Photo: Harley-Davidson Motor Company


So, check your age and be prepared to adjust your life’s dreams accordingly so that you really get to “live” before your die. According to data compiled by the Social Security Administration:

  • A man reaching age 65 can expect to live, on average, until age 84.
  • A woman turning age 65 can expect to live, on average, until age 86.

And those are just averages. About one out of every four 65-year-olds today will live past age 90, and one out of 10 will live past age 95. Remember, “It’s not the years in your life that count…it’s the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln”


Ride Safe Out There…and, make the decision — TODAY — to live the life you were put on this earth to live.


Motorcycle Marc

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Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Please see footer of this website/blog for more information.


HER Deal: Honor. Encourage. Recognize.

The HER Project…saluting women in the military.

Did you know that there are over 200,000 women serving throughout America’s military complex? Yes, near 15% of the U.S.’s 1.4 million soldiers are women active-duty warriors.

Women hold all types of positions, including front-line combat posts, with a solid number leading as Officers in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Bottom-line, American women can also show bravery, courage, patriotism and enemy-kill skill just as well as military men can. Hey, even single Moms have gotten into protecting America in recent years. And yes, like their male counterparts, women warriors can also become casualties of War.

Returning back to normal life after the hellish experience of war is very difficult for Veterans, especially for women. We’ve all seen the media reports on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for example. After experiencing what some of these veterans have, it’s no wonder that many of them struggle to fit back into society and normal life straight away. These veterans can experience extreme stress and anxiety, making it significantly difficult for them to complete most tasks. Many PTSD sufferers will look for something to help them cope with these mental problems, such as weed for example. There are, supposedly, a lot of health benefits in weed, especially for people dealing with stress or anxiety. Perhaps some PTSD sufferers would benefit from smoking weed out of an apple to help them return back to normal life. That might just take some of that stress and anxiety away, allowing them to relax. Of course, it’s not just mental problems that make it difficult for veterans. Women veterans returning to normal life may need help in other aspects of life too, particularly financially. These grants can help with anything from basic living expenses to work training, depending on the program chosen that specifically caters to female veterans. To find out more about financial support for female veterans, visit GoFundMe. In addition to financial help, women can seek out aid in the form of morale and getting back on their feet to return to civilian life. Fortunately, there are a variety of groups out there specifically geared to women veterans…let me introduce you to one of them. – The HER Project.

“The primary objective of the HER Project is to create awareness and hope for the woman Veteran. To give them and their families acknowledgment and recognition for their service and to help show gratitude for what women veterans have done for our country”, says Gina Woods, Founder and the champion behind the HER Project.

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Gina – Awarded the Challenge Coin by Rolling Thunder Illinois, Chapter 2. May 2014

Gina is also the President/Co-Founder of Open Road Radio, America’s Premier Motorcycle Ratio Talk Show. She’s also the force behind Gina Wood’s XX Chromes – All Women Bike Builds – a team of motorcycle mechanic females who’s mission is to build custom motorcycles in the name of charity. Gina came up with the “Honor, Encourage & Recognize” HER tag line. Click here to visit the HER Project “Salute to Women in the Military” website.

Click here to see some of the women who are helping Gina champion the HER Project.

The Goals of the HER Project are:

  • To honor our women veterans.
  • To create public awareness and recognition of women veterans.
  • To show women veterans giving back to other women veterans.
  • To bring together Women Veterans Groups and Corporate Sponsors.
  • To build custom motorcycles for Charity on behalf of women veterans.
  • To highlight and promote The HER Project 2014 Tour.

The HER Project has built two custom motorcycles dedicated to Disabled American Women Veterans and for the National Women Veterans Association.

The bikes recognize Women Veterans and were built to help educate the public about the great sacrifices made by women veterans and the needs of women veterans who, by virtue of their service in the military, may be having difficulty transitioning back to civilian life.

The HER Project Trike

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HER Project 2014 Trike – Photo Source: U.S. Veterans Magazine

The HER Project Springer Bobber

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The HER Project 2014 Bobber. Photo Source: U.S. Veterans Magazine

The HER Project Logo

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Click image to see HER Project Sponsors. A big “Thank You” to all the sponsors of the HER Project. Appreciate your support. Gina Woods & Crew.

The HER Logo Explained – The anchor is a symbol of trials and tribulation. The eagle wings represent freedom. The circle encompassing the 13 stripes and the female facing foreword is symbolic of women defending this nation. Together the symbol represents female strength to overcome and defend freedom.

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Gina Woods On Air.

From all I have seen and heard, this is a great cause benefiting a very special American warrior. – The Woman Veteran.

Please contact Gina Woods for more information on how you can get involved with the HER Project.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 630-833-9889

Ride Safe Out There.

Motorcycle Marc

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A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

America’s Premier Motorcycle Talk Radio Show. Featuring Gina Woods and her Crew of Biker Pros.

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. See footer of this website for more information. Click here for information on the National Women Veterans Association of America. Here for the National Women Veterans of America organization. Disabled Veterans can obtain more information from the Disabled Veterans National Foundation.

D-Day – Crusade for Freedom.


June 6, 1944 – Normandy, France: Five years into the hell of World War II. Around 6:00 am.

Imagine for a moment that you are between 18 and 25 years old taking part in one of the largest and most vicious military attacks in the history of the world. You are about to jump out of a landing boat into freezing ocean beach water only to face a wall of machine gun bullets. Or, you are about to jump out of an airplane into the darkness of night into sniper-infested, enemy territory. Scared? You bet your ass you’re scared.


Freedom isn’t Free…the saying goes.

As a champion and appreciator of freedom, one of the things I think about sometimes is whether or not free people really understand what it took to rid the world of an imperial evil monster like the power-hungry killer and Nazi Leader, Adolf Hitler. The ultimate sacrifice, made by millions of soldiers, yes…millions… seem to become incomprehensible as the decades wear on. Fact is, tens of millions gave their lives during WWII to free the world of tyranny.

Published estimates of WWII military dead hover around 22 million soldiers with my two beloved countries taking a real hit. The United States of America lost 407,000 soldiers during that war. Canada, a much smaller country, lost 45,400 soldiers. “Freedom isn’t free”, as the saying goes.


The Battle of Normandy

One of the milestone battles of WWII, The Battle of Normandy, (also known as Operation Overlord) lasted from June 1944 to August 1944. By all accounts, it was 90 days of pure, miserable, combat hell for the 156,000 Americans, Canadians and British troops who landed on the 50-mile stretch of France’s Normandy region. By the end of the first day, a day known as D-Day, more than 130,000 soldiers had made it onshore fighting their way towards liberating French citizens and their communities from the notorious Nazis. Click here for an excellent Q&A summary of the invasion from the D-Day Museum in Portsmouth, England.


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Click image for descriptions of the Normandy beaches involved in this epic invasion.


The First 24-Hours of the Invasion…Hell on Earth.

The size of the invasion was truly enormous. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his letter to the brave Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen, called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full Victory.â€

More than 7,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion. Within the first 24 hours, the Allies had gained a foot-hold in Normandy. The first day’s cost was extreme as more than 10,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded — but more than 130,000 Allied Soldiers penetrated the enemy wall on that fateful day.

So began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler and his Nazis. Within three weeks thereafter, 850,000 men and 148,000 vehicles had landed on the five beaches of Normandy. Try to let these numbers sink in folks…almost a million men storming the Normandy beaches of Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword.


Surviving D-Day at Omaha Beach.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.Americans incurred 3,881 casualties on Omaha beach during the first 24 hours of the invasion. Canadians invaded nearby Juno Beach and had 1,204 casualties. The British, who landed on Sword and Gold Beaches, suffered 1,043 casualties on that first day of the invasion. Herego, the saying…”Freedom isn’t Free.”

Click here for additional detail on D-Day casualties. May they all forever RIP.

Discovery Channel has done a great job reconstructing and capturing the brutal devastation of D-Day. Click here to view Discovery Channel’s documentary, “Surviving D-Day at Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944.”


GI Killing Machines – The MG42 Machine Guns.

Estimates indicate that there were 20,000 German Nazis waiting on the beaches in heavily fortified concrete bunkers ready to defend their newly occupied territory. Many were equipped with upgraded MG42s, a human cutting machine gun capable of firing 1,200 to 1,500 bullets per minute. That’s 25 rounds per second each travelling at 2,000 mph. Picture this: Despite a continuous spray of bullets from this Hitler buzzsaw, our soldiers attacked, attacked and attacked some more. Thousands were mowed down like grass as they attempted to crawl up the beach sand. Yet, they continued to storm the beaches. Can you believe this? Unbelievable bravery…extra-ordinary courage.


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There were 17 heavily fortified Bunkers over a 50 mile area of the Normandy beaches. They were strategically positioned on the bluffs overlooking the beach landing areas…well-situated to see the Allies landing during D-Day.


The Liberation of a Country

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The Omaha Beach Landing Barges: Taxis to Hell and Back – Into the Jaws of Death. By Robert F. Sargent, USCG

The D-Day invasion began with massive air bombardments overnight with paratroopers landing behind enemy lines. In the early morning, amphibious landings occurred over the five Normandy beaches known as Omaha, Utah, Sword, Gold and Juno.

It took six months of hardcore-combat fighting by Allied Forces to liberate France. The country was officially free from the German occupiers on October 23, 1944. The restoration of the French Republic was officially confirmed on May 9, 1945.

Click here for a very informative British-view documentary on D-Day aka: Operation Overland & Neptune. Source: DEVGRU5022


June 6, 2014 – The 70th Commemoration of D-Day.

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D-Day Ceromonies

The 70th Commemoration of D-Day…Pause and consider this friends. Freedom – as we know it today, can be traced to the military campaign seven decades ago that spelled the beginning of the end for the Third Reich.

A group of warriors involved in the liberation of France, D-Day survivors, now all in their 90s, will gather at Sword Beach on Friday, June 6, 2014 to remember the heroes of this massive military crusade Commanded by General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The President of France, Francois Hollande, is expected to be in attendance along with other world leaders and will bestow the prestigious French Legion of Honor Medal to selected members of the D-Day invasion.


A connection to Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial

The Normandy Landings, an important part of the “D-Day” invasion, literally changed the course of WWII and contributed to the Allied Force’s victory in the war. Six parachute regiments with just over 13,000 paratroopers were dropped from 800 planes over the skies of northern France.

Bruce Bailey, CEO of the Mount Soledad Memorial Association, and Max Gurney, a WWII Veteran who marched from Sicily to Rome, Italy on D-Day, are escorting San Diego’s 90 year old former D-Day Paratrooper, Bill Gailbraith, to Normandy, France where Bill will be receiving the prestigious French Legion of Honor Medal on June 6, 2014. Bill, a member of the 506th Parachute Infantry of the 101st Airborne Division – “The Screaming Eagles” – parachuted behind German-fortified lines in preparation of D-Day, June 6, 1944.

Galbraith, was also one of 41 paratroopers who, as a member of the prestigious, “The Return to Normandy” Group, reunited in 1994 for a jump on the 50th anniversary of D-Day. The guy was 70 years young then. What a hero I say.

WWII Veteran, Max Gurney (93), helped bring to life the “Return to Normandy Foundation” in 1992. The Foundation has strong ties to the Mount Soledad Memorial Association. It was one of the first veterans groups to have a plaque mounted on the walls of the Veterans Memorial atop the La Jolla hilltop in southern California.

Refer to my previous post for more information on the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial and on these American Heroes.


The French Legion of Honor Medal

The French Legion of Honor Medal is the highest award that France can bestow on an individual.

Mr. Bill Galbraith (90), D-Day Paratrooper. Hero. American.

I salute you Sir. Thank you for your bravery and service

Congratulations for being selected to receive France’s Legion of Honor Medal.

And, my thanks to Max Gurney for his service and helping to bring all this amazing military history to life.


Ride Safe Out There.

Motorcycle Marc

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Thank you for setting us free warriors. God Bless The Military.















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American Heroes Cemetary. Overlooking Omaha Beach, Colleville-sur-Mer, France. 9,383 Servicemen and 4 Servicewomen white gravestone crosses. There is no way we can ever repay you but do know that we appreciate what you have done. Thank you for your sacrifice warriors. Thank you very much.


Note: Information for this blog post was adapted from numerous sources: The History Channel, PBS Organization, U.S. Army, Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial Association, Discovery Channel, YouTube’s DEVGRU5022 and others. Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement is ever intended.  See footer of this blog for more information.


Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit…invitation!

Women Motorcycle Riders…there’s a very special event coming up just for you!


The Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is the first event of its kind devoted totally to women who ride motorcycles…all kinds of motorcycles. This event brings together product designers, manufacturers, industry professionals and, most importantly, women who ride motorcycles – all in the name of sisterhood and charity. This 3 day Summit is a chance to be part of something special; to expand your circle of friends, to exchange ideas, experiences and to have a voice in the world of motorcycling, says motorcycle rider and event Founder, Joan Krenning.


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Come meet some of the world’s most inspiring women motorcyclist.


All women riders no matter the age, race, religion, economics, borders, riding abilities or the motorcycle brand they ride, are invited and encouraged to attend this very special event.

Female riders now make up a significant portion of the motorcycling riding public — up to 24% according to the Motorcycle Industry Council. Krenning feels… “the time is right to create a venue for women riders so that they can share their experiences and to welcome even more women to the sport.”


Get inspired by the who’s who of women motorcycle riders. Keynote speakers include:

Laura Klock – Business owner of Klock Werks Kustom Cycles, Bonneville Land Speed Record Holder, voted Motorcycling Woman of the Year three times by Cycle Source Magazine, Member of the Sturgis Hall of Fame and, Founder of the “Helping with Horsepower” charity.

Genevieve Schmitt – Business owner of Solitude Ranch Communications, Emmy-nominated television producer, Editor of the award-winning “Women Rider Magazine and also a member of the Sturgis Hall of Fame.

Jessi Combs – TV Personality Host of “All Girls Garage” on Discovery’s Velocity Channel. Jessi steered the famous North American Eagle (basically an F-104 Lockheed Starfighter Jet on wheels!) to set a woman’s land speed record with an average speed of 392 mph on October 9, 2013. She’s also an accomplished business owner, bike builder and fabricator.

Joan Krenning – Founder of the Steel Horse Sisterhood and this Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit, she has just come off a 34,000 mile motorcycle tour of the USA. She’s 15 months into her 36 month “Freedom Tour”. She’s also the Founder of DesignWraps Brands Inc. You can follow Joan on her riding page, “Lady Road Dog“.

Eldona Lewis Fernandez – her moto…”Take control of the handlebars of life.” She goes through life as the “Pink Biker Chic” but don’t let the sweet pink stuff fool you. This lady is a 23 year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and even though retired honorably, she’s a force to be reckon with as a master in everything she does. She’s the CEO of Dynamic Vision International, Inc. You’ll see Eldona all over the SHS Summit as the MC of many events.

And many other amazing women riders including:  Lisa Brouwer, Michele Wierzgac, Sarah Schilke, Tigra Tsujikawa, and Gina Woods. It’s a full schedule. Numerous educational seminars covering a wide variety of topics such as healthy living, riding tips, motorcycle maintenance, safety gear and inspirational living will be presented throughout the weekend. Click here for additional information and speaker bios.


Saturday, May 3rd will be a special riding day at the SHS Summit.

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The world’s largest riding day for women. What bike will you be riding?

The first Saturday in May every year is when women motorcycle riders and scooter riders from around the world get on their bikes and “Just Ride“. This is the 8th annual globally-synchronized International Female Riders Day. Make sure you participate no matter where you are in the world. Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about this global campaign for women riders.

Red Carpet Denver!

There will be special showings of the new movie, “Driven To Ride” throughout the event. This new documentary by Michelle Carpenter is about why women ride and has received excellent reviews. Check out the movie trailer. Meet some of the stars of the movie at the SHS Summit Red Carpet Walk…Betsy Huelskamp, Julie Graff,  Erin Doherty-Ratay, Masyn Moyer, Janice Ferrante and Debra Conroy.


The Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is expected to be truly special. 

It is the very first event of its kind celebrating women riders. In fact, there will be a photo shoot of women rider participants that will be submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest gathering of female riders ever anywhere. You can make a difference here. If you are a woman motorcyclist, a female enthusiast of the sport or an enthusiastic passenger who wants to learn more about the female rider point of view, then you’ve got to attend this event.


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This event is for you women riders. Won’t you join us?


Schedule of Events & Activities: Click here for the Summit’s full agenda.

By the way, Sponsorship Opportunities are still available. Contact Event Champion & Organizer, Joan Krenning at 608-335-0852 or email her at [email protected]


Ride Safe Out There.


Motorcycle Marc

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Enjoy the SHS Summit Ladies.

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Online or Call 608-335-0832













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My Victory High-Ball Test Ride 4U

The 2014 Victory High-Ball is not just another bobber-style cruiser.

It’s a big engine, bare-bones, aggressive-looking, badass cruiser ready to own the streets of your town. Read on…

Victory Motorcycles. Maker of American made V-twin cruisers, baggers and touring motorcycles is on a roll this year with a wide selection of quality, good looking bikes. The one model that has caught my eye however, is the Victory High-Ball. Why? Because I’m into simplicity, cool looking profiles, power and agility in my motorcycles. I don’t need or even want gadgets on my bikes. I ride to be in a wind-driven mental zone and for the sense of freedom I get being away from the clutter of today’s politically-oriented talking heads in government and in the media. There’s nothing like riding a motorcycle for clarity of purpose and peace of mind I tell yas.


The 2014 Victory High-Ball. A cool, basic bike with kick-ass power. 

The High-Ball design is basically a frame with an engine, ape hangers, forks and wheels. It comes in my favorite color, black. Black with a white Victory graphic or black with red flames. That’s it!

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Suede Black with Victory graphic. Photo: Victory Motorcycles/Polaris Industries Inc.


Here’s my take on this cool-looking Bobber.


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Now, these are cool Ape Hangers. Not too high, not too low. Just right.

Ape Hangers have plenty of attitude.

The matt black high-rise handlebars are just plain cool on this bike. For my personal style, I would set ’em back about two inches to get a lower, more relaxed position, Easy Rider style.

There’s no doubt that this bobber was designed with a “less is more†approach: Don’t buy this bike if you need all the fancy gadgets like GPS, radio and Bluetooth stuff…it’s not there. Everything about this bike is minimalist in classic, garage-built bobber style. It’s why I love it!

16 inch whitewalls and short, stubby fender look good together.

Combined with a solid conventional telescopic suspension upfront and a single, mono-tube gas suspension with preloaded adjustable spring in the rear, these fat Metzeler Tires make the High-Ball run nice and smooth for a bobber-style bike. The custom wheels are too standard looking for my bobber tastes though. Personally, I prefer the spoked wheel style which was standard on the 2012 & 2013 High-Ball models. Not sure why Victory decided to change this rim set up for the High-Ball in 2014.

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2014 High Ball’s 16″ fat tires provide for a smooth ride. Note the short fender.

Victory’s 106 cubic inch Freedom V-Twin is a reliable powerhouse.

The Victory Freedom® 106/6 V-Twin is a super-smooth 1731 cc motor. Better hang on when you make this engine roar…it is strong and powerful. It gives you instant throttle response and very impressive on-demand power.

Click here to view a video on the technical engine specs. Kyle Langlands, Victory’s Design Engineer and Technical Lead for the V6 Freedom Engine Project, does a fine job discussing how this motor pushes out power. I understand that the Stage 2 kit pushes 97 horsepower and 110 ft.lbs of torque.

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Love this pic of the 106 Freedom V-Twin Motor from the good folks at


Victory’s 106 Freedom V-Twin comes with an easy-shiftin’ 6-speed overdrive transmission

I found every gear shift to be smooth and sure. Street riding was 1st, 2nd & 3rd gear. Interstate 5 around San Diego, California was easily conquered with 4th and 5th gear with the 6th gear making for easy, low rpm but speedy cruising.

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Suede Black High-Ball with Red Flames. Source: Victory Motorcycles/Polaris Industries Inc.


Bottom line, I recommend this bobber. It’s offers a really fun, aggressive ride and I found it handled tight and crisp. The engine power was awesome putting out 97 horses. This bobber weaves and bobs quick no matter the street or highway. Suggest you get on down to the San Diego Indian & Victory dealership on Kettner Blvd to see this bike and the entire lineup of Victory Motorcycles…the team there will take good care of yas.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Contact Sales Pro, Frank Krznaric at San Diego Indian & Victory Motorcycles for his best deal…619-446-0022.


“Ride One And You’ll Own One.” says the Victory Team Video.

After giving this Victory High-Ball model a solid test ride, I believe Victory is on to something here…Ride Safe Out There.

P.S. I love this bike so much, I bought it!

Motorcycle Marc

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Indian Chieftain Ride. Can you say WOW!

Here’s my take on the 2014 Indian Chieftain. In a word, “awesome”.


San Diego, CA – I ride on down to the new Indian & Victory Motorcycle Dealership on Kettner Blvd with my heart set on trying out the new 2014 Indian Chieftain. Several of my Harley-Davidson Electra Glide riding friends had recently plunked down $25,000 for this Indian bike and just could not say enough good things about it. As usual, I needed to find out for myself if all their hoopla was warranted.

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The Indian Motorcycle Demo Tour rig at San Diego Indian Motorcycles.

Upon arrival at the dealership, I registered for my test rides and spent the next several hours admiring the mechanical design and artwork that comes standard with these new Indian motorcycles. From all I saw, all three of the new 2014 motorcycles – the Indian Chief Classic, Indian Chief Vintage and the Indian Chieftain, looked traditional vintage cool with plenty of Indian styling. But today, my focus was on riding the Chieftain bagger.

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2014 Indian Chieftain…my test ride at San Diego Indian Motorcycle Dealership. 03/15/2014.

San Diego Indian Motorcycle test ride weekend. A huge success.

Over 100 riders tested one or all three of these iconic Indian motorcycles on Saturday. Sunday test rides were also in high demand. Fact is, there’s no better way to find out which motorcycle model is right for you. I always recommend that you test ride a variety of motorcycles before putting down your hard-earned money.

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From novices to long distance pros…test rides were enjoyed by all at SDIndian.

Here’s my official assessment…the truth…nothin’ but the truth!

To those of you who know me and follow my blog, you know that I’ve been a Harley man for the past 30 years so the following evaluation may surprise and/or even shock you. I suggest you all get a cold beer or some Jack Daniels on the rocks and relax as you read on. Bottom line, I gotta give credit where credit is due.

The Feel. The Experience.

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The Thunder Stroke 111 Motor. WOW! Click on image to see this beautiful engine come alive.

I found the 2014 Indian Chieftain to be one good looker, a super smooth rider and offering real kickass power.

The power from that Thunder Stroke 111ci counter-balanced V-twin engine was simply awesome. In fact, the 119.2 ft-lbs of torque it puts out is just darn right breathtaking. Very impressive get up and go from this big, state-of-the-art 1811 cc engine.

My Indian Chieftain had amazing acceleration. The 6-speed transmission and the easy-clutch made for quick distribution of power as I needed it. The exhaust sound…well, it sounded like a cool bike should sound…strong, throaty and “get-outa-my-way” powerful.

The Look. The Comfort.

The Chieftain truly shows off Indian’s classic styling, beautiful lines and vintage look. The riding position was comfortable. Seat to tank to footrest distance was good for me as a 6 footer. Seat height at 26 inches was just right. Seat design and quality felt good and comfortable for my butt size and shape. The electronically-controlled windshield and well-designed fairing provided good wind protection as I cruised on southern California’s sunny Interstate 5.

Hard saddle bags round out the rear look. They come with remote locks and quick release anchors. The Chieftain comes with the basic high-end technology features including, Bluetooth Connectivity. The 25 degree rake and trail made for excellent stability and steering at high highway speeds.

I must say, this is one impressive looking, feeling and handling motorcycle.

Features That Need Minor Attention.

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Nice vintage console. Great tank look. Handling and riding feel was superb. One of the best baggers I’ve ever ridden. — Motorcycle Marc —

Gas tank holds only 5.5 gallons for all that big engine thirst. Suggest a 6.5 to 7.0 gallon tank option for long distance riders like me.

The Chieftain felt a little heavy on slower, tight turns. It seemed to want to follow its own direction line rather than where I wanted it to go. Bike weighs 815 pounds so not a light-weight. It actually felt heavier to me.

At this writing, dealership service on long distance riding adventures is a question for me.

Getting your bike fixed quicky while on the road is key to keeping a great ride going. I’m a long distance rider so I wonder about the availability of roadside dealership support as I explore the byways and highways of North America. There were only 130 Indian Motorcycle Dealers at the end of 2013, according to Forbes.

This said, any problem that one does experience on the road is unlikely to come from the Thunder Stroke 111 Engine as it went through 2 million plus miles of dyno and road testing before being introduced to the motorcycle world.

The 2014 Indian Chieftain…a most impressive motorcycle.

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Military Heroes Incentive = $1,000 4U!

Hey, I’m just a motorcycle nut who happens to know a great motorcycle when I ride one. After all, I’ve been riding, building, fixin’ and even crashing motorcycles for over 40 years. This Indian Chieftain, in my opinion, is one “spectacular” motorcycle.

The hard fairing, hard saddlebags and super-smooth lines are matched up with comfort and the bike handles really well.

Digital instruments, include tire pressure monitoring, an audio system with high output speakers and an integrated Bluetooth smart phone connection, bring it all up to date. This bike comes with extensive chrome, keyless ignition, ABS brakes, cruise control, and a tightly designed aluminum frame.

Now, at $25,000, give or take a few thousand dollars out the dealership door in California, it is not a cheap toy. This said, it may well just offer the best combination of price to power-ride ratio on the bagger market today.

Ride Safe Out There,


   Motorcycle Marc

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P.S. All three of the 2014 Indian Motorcycle models are available in San Diego.

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San Diego Indian Motorcycle.  Call 619-446-0022. Ask for Motorcycle Sales Pro, Frank Krznaric, He’ll get you on the Indian Chief that’s right for you.



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Motorcycle Sisters Heading to Denver.

Check your calendars Ladies…the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is coming in early May 2014.

This 3 day Summit, from Friday, May 2nd to Sunday, May 4th, 2014 is a chance for women riders to be part of something special; to expand your circle of friends, to exchange ideas, experiences and stories and for you to have a voice in helping shape the motorcycle lifestyle experience.

Riding a motorcycle is not just a guy thing anymore.

Statistics from the Motorcycle Industry Council indicate that 12% of U.S. motorcyclists were women riders in 2012. That’s 12% of an estimated 27 million motorcycle riders in the country.

The Steel Horse Sisterhood Motorcycle Summit will bring  together product designers, manufacturers, industry professionals and, most importantly, women who RIDE – all in the name of SISTERHOOD and CHARITY.


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3-Day Event Specifically Designed For Women Riders.


Why you should attend this groundbreaking motorcycle summit?

Never before has an event of this magnitude been offered specifically for women riders. You will be part of making history with your riding sisters. Any woman who shares the love of motorcycling and/or is interested in learning more about motorcycling needs to attend this motorcycle summit.

You’ll attend industry seminars, talk to vendors about their products and what they can do to improve them for women riders and, hear from some of the most influential women in the world of motorcycling. Riders like Bonneville Speed Racers, Laura Klock and Jessi Combs. Women Rider publisher Genevieve Schmitt, and Joan Krenning, Entrepreneur and CEO of Design Wraps Brands just to name a few.

Special Motorcycle Movie Screening to be presented at the Summit.

Yes, the new movie, “Driven To Ride”…will be featured during the event. Click the Movie Trailer teaser for a quick peek.

A recent survey commissioned by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company and published in December 2013 confirmed what many of us motorcycle riders already suspected…”Riding a motorcycle improves a woman’s feelings of overall self-worth, compared to woman who don’t ride.” Heck, I believe it does the same thing for men. That’s the power of riding in the wind folks. Click here for the survey’s overall result.

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A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Go Ahead!…sign up for this unique motorcycle event.


Ride Safe Out There.

Motorcycle Marc

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In front of the Mt. Soledad Cross. La Jolla, CA.
















Steel Horse Sisterhood Founder and Organizer: Joan Krenning, CEO of Design Wraps Brands. Click here to visit the amazing riding adventures of “Lady Road Dog”…

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My ride to the top of Mt. Soledad.


“Hey, we just want to honor our Veterans and the extra-ordinary sacrifices they have made for this country. Our mission is that simple. We don’t view the cross as a religious symbol. We see it as an international symbol of sacrifice.” – Bruce S. Bailey, President & CEO, Mt. Soledad Memorial Association, Inc.


So began my meeting with U.S. Air Force Colonel, Bruce S. Bailey (Ret) as I was gathering my thoughts for this blog post. I knew I was going to like this guy when he told me that he once owned a 1949 Harley-Davidson Sidecar rig while in college in Ohio. He purchased it used in 1965 for $350. My how times have changed…that Sidecar rig today would be closer to $30,000.

Meeting the Colonel and his Media Pro, Bob Phillips, a Navy Veteran, was a highlight for me. I feel a deep spiritual connection to those who have enabled me to chase freedom by riding the byways and highways of this great country. Nowhere is that connection deeper than the respect I have for the American Soldier. That selfless warrior who goes willingly into the hellish chaos of war to protect my hopes and dreams and the hopes and dreams of every freedom-seeking citizen. It’s an amazing commitment to the American way that only a soldier can fully comprehend and that we mere civilians know only as…Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


Mt. Soledad – An important part of America’s Finest City and of this country’s military history.

I have had the good fortune of riding up to Mt. Soledad’s beautiful and peaceful Memorial Park setting many times over the years. Like many of America’s Memorials to Veterans, it’s an amazing personal experience to walk around this memorial site looking at all the faces on the honor walls. For me, it basically stops me in my tracks as I ponder the histories, the patriotism and the sacrifice of these warriors. One can’t help but shed a tear of appreciation…every time one visits the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial. …”All gave some, some gave all…”

Mt. Soledad Memorial Park first came to life way back in 1914…100 years ago. The 29-foot cross was added to the Memorial in April 1954 as a symbol of respect and honor for those who proudly served our country during the Korean War (1950-1953). Yes, a cross has been on this mountain top for 60 years.

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Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Dedication Ceremony. April 18, 1954


There are over 3,500 memorial plaques on Mt. Soledad.

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Honor Plaques on Mt. Soledad Memorial Walls.

This monument is truly unique. No other National Veterans Memorial in the U.S. provides so much information about those featured on the honor walls. Each plaque shows a photo of a military hero and provides summary information about each one of them.

The monument accommodates both deceased and the living…yes, some of the plaques honor military heroes still serving our country today and, these warriors come from all corners of this great land.

Another distinctive characteristic of the Mt. Soledad monument is that it covers all wars going back to the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) up to the current 2014 wars around the world. This monument offers an amazing catalog of military history. I highly recommend you ride up to this mountain top at least once in your life. It’s a bucket list item for sure.

The sole mission of the monument is to honor all U.S. Veterans who have served our country. It acts as both a unique registry of America’s military heritage and to educate the public on the contributions of military personnel throughout our nation’s history. It’s truly a beautiful and fitting tribute to our Veterans.

Granite plaques are engraved with the names and photos of war veterans and each plaque tells the story of that military hero’s service.

Click here to see how you too can purchase a granite plaque for one of America’s military heroes.


The role of the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association

Established in 1952, the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association has been honoring veterans for the past 62 years. The organization was founded by Post #275 of The American Legion in La Jolla, California and operates as a Non-Profit (501(c)(3) corporation.

The 500+ member Association maintains the Memorial and acts as the champion caretaker, including providing enthusiastic volunteers to raise and lower the American flag each and every day.  They actively raise their own funds through sales of plaques, membership dues and private donations. They receive no money from government.

From all I have seen over the years, members of the Association have done a superb job both maintaining the site and enhancing the look and feel of this memorial. They added new walls in early 2013 for example, that will accommodate another 2,500 memorial plaques over the next decade.

The Association organizes two big events per year. The Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies attract huge crowds that come to show their respect and to honor our Veterans. The Veterans Day ceremonies are held on the Saturday before Veterans Day in order that members can participate in parades and other ceremonies on Veterans Day each year. In addition, Military Honor Ceremonies of one type or another are held almost weekly throughout the year to honor veterans, many whose plaques are installed on the Veterans Memorial Walls.

Volunteers guide an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 visitors annually around the site. Many of these volunteers know the Memorial and its Honor Plaques so well that they can explain the background stories of hundreds of the veterans who served our country.

Click here or on the banner below for a video of the 2013 Veterans Day Celebrations at Mt. Soledad.

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Mission: To Honor Our Veterans & Their Sacrifices.


Click here for another great example of the good work done by the Association on behalf of our warriors. re: KPBS/ article. The Association honored two former Navy Seals killed in the September 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack. Former Navy Seals, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both died while bravely defending fellow Americans during the Benghazi terrorist attack. These military heroes are both proudly featured on the walls of the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial…making sure that they won’t be forgotten anytime soon. Both were based out of San Diego.


The Legal Narrative Around The Cross

While the price of Harley-Davidson motorcycle Sidecar rigs has changed big time over the past 25 years, what hasn’t changed much is the legal saga around the cross which has stood on top of Mt. Soledad signaling respect and honor to our military heroes.

The litigation dispute over the Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross has gone on for over two and a half decades. Yes, 25 years and it is still going on as I write this blog post.

Champions of the cross just want to honor American veterans and their sacrifices. Opponents of the cross say the memorial site violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and as such, should be free of religious icons like the cross.

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The issue of the cross atop Mt. Soledad: “A question of substantial importance.” – Justice Samuel Alito

The original suit dates back to May 1989 when U.S. Army combat veteran and atheist, Philip Paulson, sued in federal court, saying the Mt. Soledad cross was on city property and therefore, violated the U.S. and California Constitutions.

Two years later, federal judge Gordon Thompson, Jr. ruled that the cross violated the state’s Constitution guarantee of separation between church and state and issued a permanent injunction forbidding its presence on public land.

No need to bore you all with the legal maneuvers that followed over the next 23 years other than to say that we may be coming to a much welcomed end to all the back and forth legal wranglings. Federal Judge Larry Burns ruled in December 2013 that the Mt. Soledad cross was unconstitutional but “stayed” the order giving the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association a small window for appeal. His ruling was immediately appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. We all await the Appeal Court’s decision.

Also in motion is a recent January 2014 action by House of Representative member, Duncan Hunter. His legislation, should it be passed in both the House and Senate, would keep the cross in place and transfer control of the cross and Memorial site to the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association.

Bottom line, supporters of the cross, who see it as a symbol of respect and honor to our Veterans, would like the case to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court for a final, final resolution. In the meantime, our warriors, our soldiers, our protectors, our heroes of freedom are likely rolling in their graves wondering why we have put them through this war of litigation after all they have done for their country.


March 2014: The legal saga rolls on down the road …

Perhaps the following poem, recited from memory by 90 year old WWII hero, Bill Galbraith*, at a recent Trustee Meeting of the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association, says it best.

“…We have only died in vain if you believe so;

You must decide the wisdom of your choice.

By the world which you shall build upon our headstones

 And, the everlasting truths, which have your voice.

Though dead, we are not heroes yet, nor can be

Till the living, by their lives, which are the tools,

Carve us the epitaphs of wise men

And give us not the epitaphs of fools…”

— Poet David J. Phillips, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR)…


Let us all dream of the day soon friends when the cross on Mt. Soledad can forever stand tall and shine exhibiting honor and respect for our military veterans. Ride Safe Out There. 

Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Freedom isn’t free folks. Always take a moment to thank a soldier. Thank you for your sacrifice soldier. MJB
















*Special Note:
Bill Galbraith (93), mentioned in this post, was a member of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. He was one of the parachute jumpers in the dark night skies over Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944 during WWII. Bill received a huge applause from the trustees in attendance for reciting the David J. Phillips poem.
Max Gurney (91), also in attendance at the Trustee Meeting when Bill recited the Phillips poem, was a U.S. Combat Veteran during WWII involved in five ground campaigns. Max was one of the champion organizers behind the 50th Anniversary Return to Normandy D-Day Celebration paratrooper jumps. An event in which his friend, Bill Galbraith, 77 years old at the time, again parachuted over Normandy.   
Both of these WWII Veterans are executive members of San Diego-based Return to Normandy Association and both were recently honored at the monthly Mt.Soledad Memorial Association Trustee Meeting in La Jolla, California for their bravery and valor. I want to personally give thanks to both Max and Bill for their service to our country.

Follow Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial on Facebook. 

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement is ever intended. See footer area of this blog website for more information. Permission for this blog post, selected content, photos and banner was obtained from the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Association.


SDHD’s Grand Opening March 22, 2014

Put Saturday, March 22, 2014 on your calendar friends.

[Update: This event was super successful. Click here for Grand Opening Video Recap.]

NY Myke & Team are throwing a party at their new gigantic Harley-Davidson dealership store on Morena Blvd and you won’t want to miss it I tell yas.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.



There’s gonna be something for everyone at this party. Including great rock music on stage from two awesome bands. Plus, you’ll see an amazing free-style Harley Riding Stunt Show & Demos by “Unknown Industries Riders“.


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MOWER – Come Join The Party.

Rock Band, Mower goes on live at 2:45 pm.


P.O.D rocks the place at 4:00 pm.

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Rockers P.O.D. Check out their website.

Check out P.O.D. on ReverbNation. This is gonna be one hell of an Opening Party…see yas on Morena Blvd.


Ride Safe Out There.           

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Motorcycle Marc










A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

SDHD – Shop Online Here.








Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement is ever intended. See footer area of this website for more information.


The Gunner…$12,999 base price. WOW!

The Victory Gunner Model may well be the best dollar to power riding value on the market today.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

The 2015 Victory Gunner is a powerhouse, new-age bobber powered by a 1,700 cc V-Twin. We’re talking 106 cubic inches of engine pizzazz here.

From all I’ve seen and heard, the Victory Freedom® 106/6 V-Twin is smooth, efficient – and powerful. It’s fuel-injected, counter-balanced and delivers 110 ft-lb of kick-assin’ torque. Throttle feel and response is sharp and fast. It’s got power you can unleash as you see fit. You’ll want to be alert on this motorcycle…this is a powerful, go fast bike.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

2015 Victory Gunner. Photo via LA Times.


The Gunner has drag-style bars, straight blacked-out exhaust pipes, cool color and low seating height. It shifts gears using a super-smooth 6-speed overdrive tranny. The 6th gear overdrive makes for a low RPM ride and can rev up real quick for a nice riding experience.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

2015 Victory Gunner. Photo via Cyril Huze Post. Click photo for Cyril’s article.


Click here for complete specs on this exciting new motorcycle. Word is the Gunner will hit Victory Dealership showrooms in April or May 2014. Contact my friends at San Diego Indian & Victory for more information.

Ride Safe Out There.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Como Lake, Italy 2013











MyCharity: Clean Drinking Water for everyone everywhere. Your donation, no matter how small, is appreciated. Thank you. P.S. No middlemen. No crazy admin overhead. 100% of public donations go right to water projects for those in need of clean water.

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement is ever intended. See footer area of this website for more information.


New Victory Motorcycles in San Diego.

“Victory Motorcycles have sure come a long way since being introduced to the 2-wheeled world in 1998.” — Motorcycle Marc


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

I must admit that I have been a dedicated Harley-Davidson rider and Motor Company fan for many, many years. I truly love the HD brand of motorcycles. At 6′, 200+ pounds, they fit me right and the handling works for me. I’ve tried to change brands over the years but they just didn’t feel right. This, until I got to know the Victory High Ball and its related-suite of 2014 Victory models. What a nice surprise!


The Victory High Ball is Bad Ass.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

2014 Victory High Ball. Available at San Diego Indian/Victory on Kettner Blvd.


The Victory Power Plant puts out serious power.

The 106 cubic inch Freedom V-Twin, a whopping 1,740 cc motor that producers 97 horsepower, is matched up to a 6-speed tranny with Overdrive. This is a powerful engine and from all I have seen, read and heard, it is also a very reliable engine. Click here to see a great cut-out video review of this awesome motor from CoolCycleDude.


The High Ball Sits Low And Looks Cool. It’s got a nice Chopper feel.

You really sit “in” this bike. Seat height is a low 25 inches off the ground. Wheelbase is just under 65 inches. The Ape Hanger bars are comfortable. All controls are easy to use and easily reached. This is a nice chopper-feeling bike. Click here for the bike’s full specs.


Want more inspiration? Check out Victory’s 8-Ball Lineup. These may well be the best price-to-riding, ride-to-style motorcycles on the planet from all I can tell.


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2014 Victory High Ball Standard – Note the clean lines on this beauty.


Victory has done good job on it’s accessories too.

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Cool Riding Apparel From Victory Brand

Click on the right-side banner to check out San Diego Victory’s complete line of leathers, gifts, collectibles, parts and other accessories.

Good guy GM, Mike Moran, and his team at San Diego Indian & Victory Motorcycles are ready to serve. Get to know them on Twitter and Facebook too.


Then, visit the Indian & Victory dealership at 2400 Kettner Blvd. in downtown San Diego for a test ride. You too, will be pleasantly surprised.


Ride Safe Out There.

 Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

2015 Bobber Coming in February…      Stay tuned.

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P.S. “THE GUNNER”…look for this new Victory Bobber in February.


MyCharity: Clean Drinking Water for everyone everywhere. Your donation, no matter how small, is appreciated. Thank you. P.S. No middlemen. No crazy admin overhead. 100% of public donations go right to water projects for those in need of clean water. 

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. Victory Motorcycles is a registered trademark of the Victory Motorcycle Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Polaris Industries Inc. Photo source is the Victory Motorcycles Website and Polaris Press Kit site. No infringement is ever intended. See footer area of this website for more information.


Welcome to my new blog site folks.

Hello fellow riders and adventurers,

Finally, this new blog engine is tuned up and ready to go. My old blog platform at is being retired.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.As many of you know by now, motorcycles and everything to do with the great sport of motorcycling have been a big part of my life since the age of 13 when I first discovered freedom speeding around bush roads on my Yamaha 80 cc Enduro.

We’re talking over 40 years of riding adventures here so I have a lot of experiences to blog about and share with you.

Feel free to let me know if there are any special stories or motorcycle-related content you would like me to blog about. Your feedback and comments are always welcome.

Ride Safe Out There.

Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


MyCharity: Clean Drinking Water for everyone everywhere. Your donation, no matter how small, is appreciated. Thank you. P.S. No middlemen. No crazy admin overhead. 100% of public donations go right to water projects for those in need of clean water.


Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement is ever intended. See footer area of this website for more information.


Indian Motorcycles Arrive In San Diego

America’s First Motorcycle Company, founded in 1901, now has a new dealership location in San Diego.

Big news motorcycle fans. You no longer have to travel hundreds of miles to admire and test ride a new Indian Motorcycle. There’s a new motorcycle dealership in town. Name: San Diego Indian Motorcycles and the owners know a few things about running successful motorcycle dealerships. Suggest you get down to the store and check ’em out asap. Good deals being designed as I right this blog post.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

San Diego Indian Motorcycles has set up shop at 2400 Kettner Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101


The New Indian Chief Classic.

The 2014 Indian Chief Classic is exactly that…a true classic motorcycle. It’s a sculpted, great looking cruiser, built with the purest necessities of Indian style, and like all the new 2014 Indians, is wrapped around the all-new, powerful Thunder Stroke 111 engine. The Indian Chief Classic features iconic Indian Motorcycle elements: Valanced fenders, rich genuine leather, instruments atop the tear-drop gas tank, and the lit War Bonnet guiding the way from the front fender. If this weren’t enough, you can personalize your Indian Chief Classic with Genuine Indian Motorcycle Parts & Accessories. I would suggest anyone hoping to purchase this motorcycle looks at motorcycle insurance options beforehand.


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Get Your Classic At San Diego Indian Motorcycles.


The New 2014 Indian Chieftain.

This is about as beautiful as baggers get. The new Indian Chieftain has high-quality fairing, hard saddlebags and unprecedented new comfort. It’s like no Indian Motorcycle ever seen before, yet its style makes clear it has the DNA of a legendary Indian Motorcycle.


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2014 Indian Chieftain. This is a great looking bagger.


The New Indian Chief Vintage…WOW!

This motorcycle brings iconic Indian styling to a whole new level. The top-quality leather saddlebags and seat are simply stunning. The quick-release windshield allows for quick install or removal without tools in minutes instantly changing the look of the bike from cruiser to soft bagger. Chrome accents on the fender tips and on top of the front fender are just plain cool. There’s basically chrome from end to end on this beauty.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

The 2014 Indian Chief Vintage…WOW! This is a beautiful motorcycle.


San Diego Indian Motorcycles has just received its first shipment of new 2014 motorcycles. They’ll be open on Saturday, January 11, 2014 between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Make sure to drop in and check ’em out. Oh by the way, you may run into New York Myke and his team. They are the new owners of this new Indian Motorcycle Dealership.

You can also follow San Diego Indian Motorcycles on Facebook and Twitter too.

Ride Safe Out There.


Motorcycle Marc

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.









MyCharity: Clean Drinking Water for everyone everywhere. Your donation, no matter how small, is appreciated. Thank you. P.S. No middlemen. No crazy admin overhead. 100% of public donations go right to water projects for those in need of clean water.

Note: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. Indian Motorcycles is a registered trademark of the Indian Motorcycle Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Polaris Industries Inc. No infringement is ever intended. See footer area of this website for more information.