Romania and Eastern Europe on a Motorcycle


DREAM RIDE ROMANIA! Imagine riding one of the most exciting roads in the world…the Transfagarasan Highway in Romania.

The country of Romania in Eastern Europe is home to the Transylvanian Alps. There you will find the most crooked road in all of Europe known as the Transfagarasan Highway. This mountain highway snakes through the Transfagarasan Pass (6,700 feet above sea level). It’s 56 miles long and takes you to the highest peaks in the southern Carpathian Mountains.

The road is open only three months a year due to the high altitudes and snow packs. Exploring this road with the riding pros at Adventure Motorcycle Tours will blow your mind from all I’m hearing. You’ll cross over 830 narrow bridges, pass by 27 viaducts and lean into dozens of hairpin curves. And as a bonus, the ride comes with picturesque villages, beautiful scenery and you’ll get to meet the friendliest Europeans anywhere on the continent.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Riders Paradise. The Transfagarasan Highway in Romania.


Many of the riders who experience this road also participate in a motorcycle tour through the southern part of Eastern Europe. The team at Adventure Motorcycle Tours offers a fully guided roadtrip that will take you through nine countries in Eastern Europe. – Romania, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Servia.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.


Additionally, the company offers private motorcycle tours with first class accommodations, including rentals of your choice of motorcycle. Ask them about touring around Devil’s Valley, Hell’s Valley, the Ponorului Citadels and the Turzii Gorges.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Panoramic view of the Transfagarasan Highway in Romania


If you are an Enduro/Scrambler fan, the company offers a seven day tour that explores trails, forest meadows and many rolling hills rarely seen by the general public. You’ll get a nice feel for the Carpathian Mountains on this motorcycle roadtrip.


The Legend of Dracula, the Vampire.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Romania – Source: World Atlas Map Website

Did you know that Dracula originates from Romania? Dracula (Vlad Tepes), the scary legend goes, was born in December 1431 in the fortress of Sighisoara, Romania. Click the following link to see the Five Things to Love About Sighisoara.

Dracula is of Gaelic origin (Drac Ullah) and translates to meaning “bad blood”. In Romanian, Dracul stands for Devil or Dragon.

Vampires are believed to hang around crossroads on St. George’s Day, April 23, and the eve of St. Andrew, November 29.

The area is also home to Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula. It’s easy to get caught up in the tale while riding around the area’s winding roads, dark ancient forests and over the spectacular mountain passes.

Dracula – a very interesting tidbit to add to your motorcycle tour as you traverse Transylvania. Click here for the full Dracula story from the Romania Tourism website, Romania Natural and Cultural.


The team at Adventure Motorcycle Tours – great ambassadors for their beautiful country.

Romania’s Adventure Motorcycle Tours – Transylvania Live has garnered a strong reputation for motorcycle know-how and riding expertise over the years. Press coverage and testimonials about the Adventure Motorcycle Tours company speaks for itself. All very positive and encouraging.


A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.

Beautiful Romania. Natural landscapes and lost-in-time villages everywhere.


If you go…you will find an exceptionally vital and creative traditional culture. This could well be the motorcycle tour of a lifetime for you so contact the company for all the details you’ll need for your great adventure.


Ride Safe Out There.

A logo of victory motorcycles and indian motorcycle.













About Motorcycle Marc – I’m a motoblogger. Some say a key motorcycle industry influencer. I prefer to ride motorcycles but when I can’t ride, I blog about it. Since 2009, I’ve developed a strong, loyal following of thousands of gearheads, motorheads, biker-wannabes and 2-wheeled adventurers who love motorcycles and everything motorcycle-related. Welcome to my world. #RideSafeOutThere – Marc J. Beaulieu (MJB)

Note1: Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement ever intended. Photos/images used with permission or sourced from the public domain.

Note2: Renter(s) accept all risks of motorcycle rental. Motorcycle Rental Agreement subject to all Motorcycle Tours and Rental contract terms and conditions. Always wear a helmet and approved rider safety gear. Do not drink alcohol or do drugs while riding/driving any motor vehicle. Motorcycles are inherently dangerous. Double check your insurance coverages to make sure you are covered adequately while renting motorcycles in a foreign country. Ride at your own risk. #RideSafeOutThere


  1. Andrew F. says:

    Great article Thank you!

  2. Frank D. says:

    Hi Motorcycle Marc. I sure would like to do this roadtrip too someday. Thanks for the info.

  3. Claudia P says:

    Hi Marc

    Thank you for your article on It looks great.

    For more pics please visit our Facebook page at:

    For videos please visit us at:

    Best regards from Transylvania,

  4. Alberto S. says:

    Dracula country? This would make for some interesting conversation on this tour. Scenery looks awesome. Nice article.

  5. Henry M. says:

    Too many great rides in this world not enough time or money for that matter. Thank you for your blog Motorcycle Marc. It lets me go on roadtrips even in the winter. We are freezing here in Rochester NY.